Closed nothingface0 closed 10 months ago
Ciao all, lowering the validation requirements is always a tricky business. Did you verify:
Ciao all, lowering the validation requirements is always a tricky business. Did you verify:
1. the real cause of the error 2. what are the consequences of these errors 3. if the DQMGUI/indexing process can correctly open the file, parse the content, update the index and render correctly the histograms
Thank you for your input, @rovere,
All are good points, which we will validate by applying this workaround for now. If it doesn't work, we will move on to update ROOT to a more recent version. We will look deeper into understanding why the error appears no matter how this test goes.
All in all, I decided to act in haste on purpose, given the severity of the situation and the lack of time/people to work on it.
Please update only the dev version of the DQMGUI and make a thorough investigation using the usual PRs testing from CMSSW. if everything works ok and you feel confident, proceed to upgrade also the RelVal and Offline instances. As a reminder: once the index is corrupt, there's no turning back.
Possible fix for #18. This just ignores all the errors mentioned, and looks for the success message.