cms-L1TK / cmssw

Fork of CMSSW where improvements to L1 tracking code are developed.
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Updating Stub Format for the VMSMERouter #278

Closed mlarson02 closed 6 months ago

mlarson02 commented 6 months ago

This PR updates the DTC emulation and Track Finding emulation Disk Stub data format by adding to the beginning of the stubword a bit determining whether the stub is in the negative z region of the detector, and adding an offset to the encoded r value for DiskPS stubs of 256 (7.5 cm) to allow fitting the negDisk bit in 36 bits.

This information is required in the AllStubs to be used for the new VMSMERouter dual FPGA module, and it was decided this was the easiest way to incorporate the information without making changes to the previous processing modules / causing the DTC/Input/AllStubs to be of different format. More information regarding this is available here.

PR also includes changes to written memory text files required for current master firmware-hls (writing offset r values for DiskPS stubs and negDisk bit for all disk stubs).

For ttbar 200 PU Non-CM module tracking efficiency, resolution, etc. remains unchanged, however, for 1.0 < |eta| < 1.75, CM tracking efficiency decreases to 92.3% due to an unidentified bug. Until this is fixed PR will remain in draft phase.