cms-L1TK / project_generation_scripts

Python scripts to generate the wiring map of the tracklet pattern recognition & the top-level HDL that calls the HLS modules in the Hybrid Chain.
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Added script to create a reduced configuration. #18

Closed trholmes closed 3 years ago

trholmes commented 3 years ago

Should run on a full wires.dat file and output a reduced one.

tomalin commented 3 years ago

Document this script in

tomalin commented 3 years ago

Add "#!/usr/bin/env python" to top of file, and declare file to be executable, like other .py scripts in this directory, so one doesn't need "python " prefix to run it.

tomalin commented 3 years ago

If I run this with "python" (after first running &, it crashes with message that "modules.dat" is not found. Should it instead be reading processingmodules.dat?

trholmes commented 3 years ago

I added the line and made it executable.

This script uses the output files from running e.g. with bool writeConfig{true}; set in Settings.h. I'm not sure how those relate to the files that can be created with the scripts in this repo?

tomalin commented 3 years ago

I added the line and made it executable.

This script uses the output files from running e.g. with bool writeConfig{true}; set in Settings.h. I'm not sure how those relate to the files that can be created with the scripts in this repo?

I assume you are running Anders's new emulation code . I've just made comment there asking him to change names to those consistent with old python scripts, so suggest you do same to your script.

trholmes commented 3 years ago

No problem, taken care of.

tomalin commented 3 years ago

The script relies on the entries in the .dat files being ordered from beginning to end of chain. Can you preserve the order from the original files when you reduce them?

trholmes commented 3 years ago

I'm not totally sure what that would mean -- what happens when there are loops?

tomalin commented 3 years ago

An inefficient way of achieving it would be to loop through the entries in the original file, and for each entry in turn, to check if this entry is also in the reduced_file list. If it is, then print this entry out.

pwittich commented 3 years ago

@trholmes what is the status of the suggested modification by @tomalin ?

trholmes commented 3 years ago

@pwittich It's on my to do list but I'm a bit swamped right now with prep for moving to the US + end of semester -- I expect to be able to get to it shortly after I move, which is in 2 weeks.

trholmes commented 3 years ago

OK, updated and spot checked -- it should preserve the ordering now in the different .dat files.

tomalin commented 3 years ago

Running ./ without options gives python error at L129 "Expected indented block".

tomalin commented 3 years ago

In, please give example args for the -sector & -layers options. e.g. I guess "C" and "L1L2" would be valid options?

tomalin commented 3 years ago

As you created your branch a while ago, I suggest also updating it with changes to master. I think this requires (assuming you already checked out your branch): 1) Back up your code, in case git messes up 2) git pull 3) git rebase origin/master 4) Check that your local directory contains a merge of your changes and other peoples. 5) git diff --stat --cached origin/reduced_config (check what you will push) 6) git push --force-with-lease origin reduced_config

trholmes commented 3 years ago

Running ./ without options gives python error at L129 "Expected indented block".

Ah sorry about that, I had some kind of weird tab conversion issue when I updated the file. Should be fixed now, along with your other suggestions.

tomalin commented 3 years ago

It would be good to automatically produce a .pdf file containing the design of the reduced chain. I think adding following code will do it:

At start of

from TrackletGraph import TrackletGraph import ROOT

At end of

Plot graph

tracklet = TrackletGraph.from_configs("%sprocessingmodules.dat"%args.output,"%smemorymodules.dat"%args.output,"%swires.dat"%args.output) pageWidth, pageHeight, dyBox, textSize = tracklet.draw_graph(tracklet.get_all_proc_modules()) ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(True) ROOT.gROOT.LoadMacro('DrawTrackletProject.C') ROOT.DrawTrackletProject(pageWidth, pageHeight, dyBox, textSize);

tomalin commented 3 years ago

TrackletGraph.pdf made by my suggestion above shows that only 9 TE are connected to reduced chain. But reduced_processingmodules.dat shows 17 TE. I think is is because reduced_wires.dat shows that several TE have had all there output ports deleted TE_L1PHID13_L2PHIB11 . Is this a bug?

trholmes commented 3 years ago

Thanks Ian -- I was able to add this functionality after rebasing again, and I added a (admittedly somewhat case specific) protection that prevents these TEs from getting added. With this input config, I am now able to actually run L1TrackNtupleMaker with this input and see tracks with some small modifications that Anders and I added.

tomalin commented 3 years ago

I think this is now OK, though Anders should check it too. With 35 InputRouters & 32 MatchEngines, it is a fairly wide chain. I've verified that the top-level scripts produce a plausible PRMEMC chain with these reduced files (./ --uut PR_L3PHIC -u 0 -d 2 -p reduced_processingmodules.dat -m reduced_memorymodules.dat -w reduced_wires.dat)

pwittich commented 3 years ago

I think this is now OK, though Anders should check it too. With 35 InputRouters & 32 MatchEngines, it is a fairly wide chain. I've verified that the top-level scripts produce a plausible PRMEMC chain with these reduced files (./ --uut PR_L3PHIC -u 0 -d 2 -p reduced_processingmodules.dat -m reduced_memorymodules.dat -w reduced_wires.dat)

This is considerably bigger than I had expected. Can we prune it further? On the hardware this would mean loading 35 different links/input memories ....

trholmes commented 3 years ago

I think this is now OK, though Anders should check it too. With 35 InputRouters & 32 MatchEngines, it is a fairly wide chain. I've verified that the top-level scripts produce a plausible PRMEMC chain with these reduced files (./ --uut PR_L3PHIC -u 0 -d 2 -p reduced_processingmodules.dat -m reduced_memorymodules.dat -w reduced_wires.dat)

This is considerably bigger than I had expected. Can we prune it further? On the hardware this would mean loading 35 different links/input memories ....

I've reduced it further by defaulting to only positive eta IRs -- you can see the resulting project attached. TrackletProject 2.pdf

pwittich commented 3 years ago

this looks like an improvement, thanks, @trholmes ! can someone generate the appropriate top-level FW from this?

tomalin commented 3 years ago

This now has 17 InputRouters & 32 MatchEngines, so is smaller, but still large. The scripts generate plausible VHDL from this input. (Though without modified top-level HLS with pruned inputs/outputs, it will not synthesise). The current PR seems good, unless Tova can figure out how to reduce the chain size further.

trholmes commented 3 years ago

I can always manually reduce which modules are included further, but we run the risk of not having a configuration that's likely to produce any tracks. Right now, when I run over 100 ttbar events, I get this:

tracks/event (pt > 2) = 1.28 tracks/event (pt > 3.0) = 0.68 tracks/event (pt > 10.0) = 0.06

For reference, before reducing to positive eta only, it was this: tracks/event (pt > 2) = 3.59 tracks/event (pt > 3.0) = 1.76 tracks/event (pt > 10.0) = 0.25

To me, this looks good for testing -- it wouldn't be so hard to hunt down good events to run on and you'd get a relatively steady stream of tracks once we started looping more events without having to fiddle around with the input too much.

pwittich commented 3 years ago

A possible alternative would be to create a different fake cabling scheme to reduce the number of input routers, or other configurations that are more optimized for this slice test. I am not convinced that this is a good direction to go though.

@trholmes does the readme contain instructions on how to use this, and can it also contain instructions on how to generate the HDL top-level?

trholmes commented 3 years ago

Yeah, I agree, I don't think making an optimized scheme is a good idea unless it's absolutely necessary to test.

The README explains how to run this script. RE generating the HDL top-level, maybe @tomalin can add that in?

tomalin commented 3 years ago

Yeah, I agree, I don't think making an optimized scheme is a good idea unless it's absolutely necessary to test.

The README explains how to run this script. RE generating the HDL top-level, maybe @tomalin can add that in?

I don't think I need to add anything else to README. The combined doc of your makeReducedCfg and the existing generate_hdl scripts makes clear how to create the top level from the reduced .dat files.