if user submits original wf:
original wf's DS has v1
and it completes, but internally computing creates a resubmission which increases dataset version to v2.
in this case Relmonservice will see that this wf has 1 root file out of 0 expected. AS in DBS for this DS-v1 will see runs as 0, while DS-v2 will have a run number.
because in DQM GUI we are cearching for DS without version number.
which happens for cloned wf's if original wf didn't uploaded root file to DQM GUI.
If original wf uploaded root file, we will have more files that expected but it wont stop relmon report running.
if user submits original wf: heli_RVCMSSW_8_0_1RunHLTPhy2015D__gcc530_RelVal_hltPhy2015D_160309_145403_648 original wf's DS has v1 and it completes, but internally computing creates a resubmission which increases dataset version to v2. in this case Relmonservice will see that this wf has 1 root file out of 0 expected. AS in DBS for this DS-v1 will see runs as 0, while DS-v2 will have a run number. because in DQM GUI we are cearching for DS without version number.