cms-analysis / flashgg

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Add UL2018 campaign #1244

Closed alesauva closed 3 years ago

alesauva commented 3 years ago

Adding the UL2018 campaign containing the catalogue for different samples:

Data: -EGamma /EGamma/Run2018A-12Nov2019_UL2018-v2/ /EGamma/Run2018B-12Nov2019_UL2018-v2/ /EGamma/Run2018C-12Nov2019_UL2018-v2/ /EGamma/Run2018D-12Nov2019_UL2018-v4/

-DoubleMuon /DoubleMuon/Run2018A-12Nov2019_UL2018-v2 /DoubleMuon/Run2018B-12Nov2019_UL2018-v2 /DoubleMuon/Run2018C-12Nov2019_UL2018-v2 /DoubleMuon/Run2018D-12Nov2019_UL2018-v3

-Background: GJet_Pt-20to40_DoubleEMEnriched_MGG-80toInf_TuneCP5_13TeV_Pythia8 GJet_Pt-20toInf_DoubleEMEnriched_MGG-40to80_TuneCP5_13TeV_Pythia8 GJet_Pt-40toInf_DoubleEMEnriched_MGG-80toInf_TuneCP5_13TeV_Pythia8 DYJetsToLL_M-50_TuneCP5_13TeV-amcatnloFXFX-pythia8 (1 fille missing less than 0.1 % of events)

-Signal: /GluGluHToGG_M125_TuneCP5_13TeV-amcatnloFXFX-pythia8_storeWeights /VBFHToGG_M125_TuneCP5_13TeV-amcatnlo-pythia8_storeWeights /VHToGG_M125_TuneCP5_13TeV-amcatnloFXFX-madspin-pythia8 /ttHJetToGG_M125_TuneCP5_13TeV-amcatnloFXFX-madspin-pythia8_storeWeights

Adding UL2018 meta-conditions file, remember than only the GT are updated wrt to RR.

Luminosity; EGamma = 59.816 fb-1 DoubleMuon = 59.802 fb-1

simonepigazzini commented 3 years ago

@rchatter I don't see Legacy 2018 scale and smearings txt files in I believe these are available but maybe only in the new json format?

rchatter commented 3 years ago

@rchatter I don't see Legacy 2018 scale and smearings txt files in I believe these are available but maybe only in the new json format?

Hi Simone,

Indeed for CMS we are trying to switch to something that has been under discussion for a while to have the S+S available from the database, and took a first step for this. However at this stage this might be a pain for FLASHgg given that the underlying EnergyScaleCorrection class is also different. Hence like for UL17, will commit the UL18 files in the old format so no other changes are needed in flashGG. Will open a PR with the UL18 MetaConditions having this S+S and keep updating it with the other ingredients.

Thanks, Rajdeep

youyingli commented 3 years ago

Hi @alesauva , the PR is accidentally merged. I have reverted it. Could you please make another PR to continue this PR? Sorry about that.

alesauva commented 3 years ago

Hi @youyingli , it seems I cannot make a new PR because it indicates that there is no change found when trying to push from my UL2018 branch...

simonepigazzini commented 3 years ago

@alesauva you should backup the catalogue, make a fresh branch from the HEAD of the dev_legacy_runII copy the catalogue and add it to the branch, push + PR. This should work.

btw why was it a problem to merge this?

simonepigazzini commented 3 years ago

@alesauva it looks like you added to the repo the QGL file ... remove it please. This usually happens when one runs "git add *" so make sure to avoid that.

alesauva commented 3 years ago

Thanks @simonepigazzini I redid the whole procedure and it works. Indeed I was not careful and pushed added all the changes including the QGL file... Thanks for pointing this out !