cms-cat / cms-cat-dproc

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Propagation of non-event-weight systematic uncertainties #2

Open andrzejnovak opened 1 year ago

andrzejnovak commented 1 year ago

🏆 EPR credit available: 1-3 months, to be negotiated.

Are you interested in the development of correction code for the emerging modern analysis tools (Coffea and RDataFrame)? In CAT we aim to support the development of common code for the production and propagation of systematic uncertainties that modify the kinematics of the event. A solution dedicated to JME uncertainties for RDataFrame already exists CMSJMECalculator, and your contribution is needed to:

takeover the maintainance of the tool, as current maintainer will be soon no longer active; move the current implementation towards correctionlib; extend this library to cover other uncertainties; develop a solution to make these libraries available outside RDataFrame. Even contributing to just one of the items above can be of great importance for CMS community and rewarded with EPRs 🏆!