cms-dev / cms

Contest Management System
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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What's our name? #100

Closed lw closed 11 years ago

lw commented 11 years ago

I think that version 1.0 is our last chance to change the name of the software we're developing to something other than CMS, a very common and misleading name. So I'm asking all of you for a last brainstorm of ideas for a new, nice and original name. I don't think this name has to contain or even remind the name "CMS": so free your imagination!

giomasce commented 11 years ago

A fairly unique name could be, for example, siem5shaiz6ud3laizoo9iuQu3Hienool1dah2Eevah5iwesai. What do you think of it? (thanks to pwgen for the valuable suggestion)


bblackham commented 11 years ago

I'm actually quite fond of "Issue100" now ;)

A slightly more serious suggestion, as suggested by is COMAToSE COntest MAnagemenT SystEm

It appears to be relatively unique in the software world!

stefano-maggiolo commented 11 years ago

To be honest, I started not worrying and love our name. Google seems to have caught up with, at least, CMS + some specification (we score very high for queries including "contest" or "ioi", less for "informatics" and "programming", "grading", maybe we could add some keywords somewhere here at GitHub).

Historical note: some time ago I proposed CroMoS (as in Crocodile (our to be mascotte) Modular System), but it wasn't well received :)

lw commented 11 years ago

If we want to stick with acronyms here are some words we could try to combine:


Feel free to suggest other ones. I'm still searching through the lists for the various languages, and for now I found only a couple of interesting names. The best one is "FoRMLOS" (FRee ModuLar Olympiad System), which is German for "without shape". I think the name fits, due to the distributed nature of CMS, that can adapt to any network topology. Similar meaning can be found in the words derived from the greek "άμορφοσ", from the Italian "amorfo" to the English "amorphous", but I couldn't fit any acronym inside them. (I repeat: if we particularly like a word we can choose it even if it isn't an acronym). We can also consider the words above in a different order, e.g. "SMACCO" (System to MAnage Coding COmpetitions).

lw commented 11 years ago

Mmh... not much activity on this issue... well, I think this means we'll keep CMS as our name.

One last question: do we spell it "cms" (lowercase) or "CMS" (uppercase)? The source code contains uses of both names... (we can also keep both name, but I'd like to understand when to use one or the other).

stefano-maggiolo commented 11 years ago

I'd say that the official name is CMS, so in the documentation and in random text we use CMS; in the sources, as filenames, or in general where it makes sense / it is more useful / it is prettier we use cms.

lw commented 11 years ago

Ok, understood. In that case I think this [1] occurrence should be uppercase. Apart from that, I think we can close this issue (and release 1.0!).


giomasce commented 11 years ago

BTW, seriously, I don't have any real suggestion and I quite like CMS (since I more or less invented the pun it's based on); anyway, if you feel better with changing it, I won't oppose.

giomasce commented 11 years ago

This issue is still marked for version 1.0, which has clearly been released five months ago without any name change. Deleting the mark.

giomasce commented 11 years ago

This discussion is not going anywhere, so far we remain CMS.