cms-dpoa / cloud-processing

Exploring the usage of public cloud resources for CMS open data processing
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Create cluster and run argo wf using buckets #15

Closed katilp closed 1 week ago

katilp commented 2 weeks ago

Pull the updates from this repository and use the scripts in standard-gke-cluster-gcs to create a cluster and run the example argo workflows. Use the bucket created in #13 and change its name in the argo wf file input.

To use the bucket, the following is needed:

  1. service account:

gcloud iam service-accounts create bucket-access --project <project-name>

  1. IAM policy binding

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding <project-name> --member "serviceAccount:bucket-access@<project-name>" --role "roles/storage.objectAdmin"

Caveat: there are some untested updates in the argo scripts. I believe they are correct but not sure.