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Rou'a - AOD2NanoAODOutreachTool argo workflow in the local minikube #68

Open katilp opened 3 years ago

katilp commented 3 years ago

Run the argo workflow for the AOD2NanoAODOutreachTool example in your local minikube setup (set a small number of events) in a similar manner as defined in the GitHub workflow.

You would need to

You will find the commands in the workflow file

roaatamimi commented 3 years ago
  1. I started the Docker desktop
  2. then I ran the command minikube start
  3. and then ran the argo setup . kubectl create ns argo kubectl apply -n argo -f
  4. after that I ran code .
  5. then ran kubectl apply -f volumes.yaml an the output was persistentvolume/task-pv-volume created persistentvolumeclaim/task-pv-claim created pod/task-pv-pod created
  6. and here the error was when I run argo submit -n argo --wait argo-workflow.yaml after the long prgress the error message is FATA[2021-05-07T14:26:53.777Z] Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused
  7. the output of running argo version is < argo: v3.0.2 BuildDate: 2021-04-20T14:40:43Z GitCommit: 38fff9c0e0f04663b0ee1e44ae0a3183bed6561d GitTreeState: clean GitTag: v3.0.2 GoVersion: go1.16.3 Compiler: gc Platform: linux/amd64 >