cms-gem-daq-project / gem-light-dqm

GEM light DQM code
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GLIBCXX Not Found Error #10

Closed bdorney closed 7 years ago

bdorney commented 7 years ago

Trying to analyze latency data on

Package was already installed on cosmicstandtif.

Following compilation instructions found in Section 2.2.2 in the "GEM_Light_DQM_Reference_Guide.pdf"

Then launched the DAEMON following instructions in section 2.4.1 of the same manual.

Actual command was:

[GE11COSMICS@cosmicstandtif ~]$ python2.7 runserver >& log-lqdm.log &

Attaching log file showing errors. log-ldqm.txt

Also tried to run manually:

[GE11COSMICS@cosmicstandtif LightDQM]$ /home/GE11COSMICS/Software/DAQ/gem-light-dqm/gemtreewriter/bin/linux/x86_64_slc6/unpacker /tmp/run000180_LatencyScan_TIF_2016-11-11_chunk_768.dat sdram /home/GE11COSMICS/Software/DAQ/gem-light-dqm/gemtreewriter/bin/linux/x86_64_slc6/unpacker: /usr/lib64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.14' not found (required by /home/GE11COSMICS/Software/DAQ/gem-light-dqm/gemtreewriter/bin/linux/x86_64_slc6/unpacker)

mexanick commented 7 years ago

Hi Brian,

this is not a code issue, this is an issue of your env variables. Please, refer to Jared and provide following: what is the version of light-dqm installed package? Is it release-v2? or release-v3? what was was sourced for env variables, including which version of ROOT you're running and what's in your PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables.

jsturdy commented 7 years ago

I suspect that the missing piece is to: source gem-light-dqm/ as this will add the updated gcc to LD_LIBRARY_PATH

To get the ldqm-browser up and running, the steps are:

source $BUILD_HOME/cmsgemos/setup/
source $BUILD_HOME/gem-light-dqm/
source $BUILD_HOME/ldqm-browser/ # fixed typo

then starting the daemon

python2.7 runserver blah

If these steps are not clear in the current documentation, we should make it more obvious.

bdorney commented 7 years ago

Okay so then the problem appears to be that the manual I have is out of date then. Under section 2.4.1 in the version I have it reads:

"RUNNING LIGHT DQM DAEMON/BROWSER source $BUILD_HOME/cmsgemos/setup/ source $BUILD_HOME/ldqm-browser/ cd $BUILD_HOME/ldqm-browser/LightDQM python2.7 runserver : >& logname.log &"

So sourcing the files mentioned by jsturdy is not included in the documentation. Maybe there is an updated version of "GEM_Light_DQM_Reference_Guide.pdf" that could either be included in the repo (as either pdf, txt, or tex) and updated as changes are made (or uploaded here so I could reference it in the interim?)?

Also source $BUILD_HOME/ldqm-browser/ does not exist:

[GE11COSMICS@cosmicstandtif ldqm-browser]$ ls LightDQM

So I think my version of ldqm-browser is not up-to-date:

[GE11COSMICS@cosmicstandtif ldqm-browser]$ git branch -a

Should I do a pull request on the remote master or is one of the other branches what I should be using?

Thanks for the advice!

jsturdy commented 7 years ago

Hopefully @mexanick can confirm, but there may be two steps that can be done almost independently (which I think is how the documentation is outlined)

bdorney commented 7 years ago

The compilation instructions I have did not mention to source the script for the DQM (actually "" is not in the document anywhere). I will try again attempting the above procedure. But if there is an updated version of the manual/documentation that I could follow it would definitely be useful.

I have [GE11COSMICS@cosmicstandtif gem-light-dqm]$ git branch -a ... ...

It appears I am on the correct branch and up-to-date:

[GE11COSMICS@cosmicstandtif gem-light-dqm]$ git pull origin release-v3 From

However if I look at the four branches for ldqm-browser available at either the central repo or mexanick's repo:

There is no file:

source $BUILD_HOME/ldqm-browser/

Maybe it was not committed when pushing to the remote repo?

jsturdy commented 7 years ago

Fixed a typo in my previous comment (ldqm-browser/ not ldqm-browser/ Tried to follow my steps and actually still have the same error. Don't know what's missing, but clear the documentation is not being clear about what it expects.

@mexanick, I seem to recall that we had this issue before, but I don't remember what we needed to modify to have this work, any recollection?

Actually, it seems things are quite messy and must be cleaned up... Main issues:

All of this together, I think we have some clear action items

bdorney commented 7 years ago

Yes still cannot produce any output files.

When executing the daemon:

[GE11COSMICS@cosmicstandtif DAQ]$ source /home/GE11COSMICS/Software/DAQ/cmsgemos/setup/ [GE11COSMICS@cosmicstandtif DAQ]$ source $BUILD_HOME/gem-light-dqm/ [GE11COSMICS@cosmicstandtif DAQ]$ source $BUILD_HOME/ldqm-browser/ [GE11COSMICS@cosmicstandtif DAQ]$ python2.7 runserver >& log_lqdm_20161116.log &

I see errors being propagated to the log file (log_lqdm_20161116.txt) and when navigating to:

Clicking on any of the buttons (for example "FiredChannels") does not seem to do anything.

I have tried to run the LightDQM manually but it appears to crash when trying to take a .raw.root file to a .analyzed.root file. You can see the commands I executed in lightDQM_Manual_No_Output.txt (also attached).



mexanick commented 7 years ago

The issue is resolved. The problem was in the DB name change which wasn't propagated to the local code used by @bdorney . Closing issue.