cms-gem-daq-project / gem-plotting-tools

Repository for GEM commissioning plotting tools
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature Updated and made most analysis routines importable #225

Closed bdorney closed 5 years ago

bdorney commented 5 years ago


Addresses issues:

This has been a significant update to the package. Summary of changes is presented below:

Types of changes

The usage of the following files has changed:

Additionally significant changes to have been made which are described in depth below.

Motivation and Context

QC8 shifters where either:

For efficient usage of time and computing resources I've provided an update to to address these concerns.

Also, with the goal to automate further QC7 and reduce mistakes we need the ability to import analysis of several scans (e.g. scurve, tracking data threshold, and sbit threshold) into the QC7 routine. These changes allow for that.

Finally, since provides (with the exception of calibration of CFG_THR_ARM_DAC) a single entry point to the calibration measurement program we should have a similar tool for analysis data for QOL improvements.

Updates to

The script has been re-designed to make use of sub command parsers. The script now features multiple subcommands and where possible these sub commands use the same keyword as the equivalent to provide easy recognition to the shifter.

The following analysis are not implemented (no change from past behavior) for the equivalent call of the following tools:

However these tools can't really generate data that can be analyzed in parallel (or a tool already exists to do so, e.g. LDQM for

Master help menu

% -h
usage: [-h]

Arguments to supply to

positional arguments:
                        Available subcommands and their descriptions. To view
                        the sub menu call COMMAND -h
                        e.g. ' dacScanV3 -h'
    armDacCal           Uses the and
                        tools to analyze calibration data of CFG_THR_ARM_DAC.
                        This will first check if all scurves in the input
                        listOfScandates files specified by the scandate or
                        inputfilename option have been analyzed. If not it
                        will analyze them all in parallel. Then it will
                        perform all calibration analyses in parallel
    dacScanV3           Uses the tool to analyze VFAT3 DAC scan
    lat                 Uses the tool to analyze latency
                        scans taken with either ultraLatency or '
    sbitThresh          Analyzes scurve data taken with either
               or 'run_scans sbitThresh'
    scurve              Analyzes scurve data taken with either
                        or ' scurve'
    thrDac              Analyzes tracking data threshold scans taken with
                        either or ' thrDac'
    trim                Analyzes scurves taken with or
                        ` trim'

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

The armDacCal command

% armDacCal -h
usage: armDacCal [-h] [-d]
                              (-s SCANDATE | -i INPUTFILENAME | -l LISTOFSCANDATESFILE)
                              (--chamberConfig | --cNameAndAddr CNAMEANDADDR | --mappingFile MAPPINGFILE)
                              (--light | --medium | --heavy)
                              [--maxEffPedPercent MAXEFFPEDPERCENT]
                              [--highNoiseCut HIGHNOISECUT]
                              [--deadChanCutLow DEADCHANCUTLOW]
                              [--deadChanCutHigh DEADCHANCUTHIGH] [-c | -p]
                              [-z ZSCORE] [--delimiter DELIMITER]
                              [--doNotSavePlots] [-n]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug           Print additional debugging information
  -s SCANDATE, --scandate SCANDATE
                        scandate in format of input data.
                        Will find all files associated to this scandate for
                        the relevant command.
                        Specify single filename to analyze
                        Specify listOfScandates file. Note this is not
                        supported for commands armDacCal, dacScanV3 or
                        sbitThresh. The input file here is a tab delimited
                        file where the first line is the column header
                        'ChamberName Scandate' and subsequent lines are
                        ChamberName and scandate pairs, e.g.
  --chamberConfig       Use system specific chamber_config and GEBtype
                        Comma separated string used to build chamber_config
                        and GEBtype dictionaries at runtime; format expected:
                        detector S/N, detector type, uTCA shelf, AMC slot, and
                        OH link, e.g. 'GE11-X-S-CERN-0001,short,1,4,7'.
  --mappingFile MAPPINGFILE
                        Comma separated file used to build chamber_config and
                        GEBtype dictionaries at runtime; each line gives
                        respectively detector S/N, detector type, uTCA shelf,
                        AMC slot, and OH link
  --light               Analysis uses only 25% of available cores
  --medium              Analysis uses only 50% of available cores
  --heavy               Analysis uses only 75% of available cores
  -c, --channels        Make plots vs channels instead of strips
  -p, --panasonic       Make plots vs Panasonic pins instead of strips
  -z ZSCORE, --zscore ZSCORE
                        Z-Score for Outlier Identification in MAD Algo, used
                        to set HotChannel bit
  --delimiter DELIMITER
                        Character used to delimit the listOfScandates files
                        that will be analyzed with the scandate or
                        inputfilename option
  --doNotSavePlots      Add this argument if you do *not* want to save all
                        *.png files
  -n, --noLeg           Add this option if you do not want output plots to
                        have a legend drawn on them

Options for channel mask decisions:
  Parameters which specify how Dead, Noisy, and High Pedestal Channels are

                        Percentage, threshold for setting the HighEffPed mask
                        reason, if channel (effPed > maxEffPedPercent * nevts)
                        then HighEffPed is set
  --highNoiseCut HIGHNOISECUT
                        Threshold in fC for setting the HighNoise maskReason,
                        if channel (scurve_sigma > highNoiseCut) then
                        HighNoise is set
                        If channel (deadChanCutLow < scurve_sigma <
                        deadChanCutHigh) then DeadChannel is set
                        If channel (deadChanCutHigh < scurve_sigma <
                        deadChanCutHigh) then DeadChannel is set

The dacScanV3 command

% dacScanV3 -h
usage: dacScanV3 [-h] [-d]
                              (-s SCANDATE | -i INPUTFILENAME | -l LISTOFSCANDATESFILE)
                              (--chamberConfig | --cNameAndAddr CNAMEANDADDR | --mappingFile MAPPINGFILE)
                              [--calFileList CALFILELIST] [-o OUTFILENAME]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug           Print additional debugging information
  -s SCANDATE, --scandate SCANDATE
                        scandate in format of input data.
                        Will find all files associated to this scandate for
                        the relevant command.
                        Specify single filename to analyze
                        Specify listOfScandates file. Note this is not
                        supported for commands armDacCal, dacScanV3 or
                        sbitThresh. The input file here is a tab delimited
                        file where the first line is the column header
                        'ChamberName Scandate' and subsequent lines are
                        ChamberName and scandate pairs, e.g.
  --chamberConfig       Use system specific chamber_config and GEBtype
                        Comma separated string used to build chamber_config
                        and GEBtype dictionaries at runtime; format expected:
                        detector S/N, detector type, uTCA shelf, AMC slot, and
                        OH link, e.g. 'GE11-X-S-CERN-0001,short,1,4,7'.
  --mappingFile MAPPINGFILE
                        Comma separated file used to build chamber_config and
                        GEBtype dictionaries at runtime; each line gives
                        respectively detector S/N, detector type, uTCA shelf,
                        AMC slot, and OH link
  --calFileList CALFILELIST
                        Optional. File specifying which calFile to use for
                        each OH. Format of each line: <shelf> <slot> <link>
                        /path/to/my/cal/file.txt If this is not provided the
                        algorithm will search
                        Filename to which output information is written

The lat Command

% lat -h
usage: lat [-h] [-d]
                        (-s SCANDATE | -i INPUTFILENAME | -l LISTOFSCANDATESFILE)
                        (--chamberConfig | --cNameAndAddr CNAMEANDADDR | --mappingFile MAPPINGFILE)
                        (--light | --medium | --heavy) [-f]
                        [--latSigRange LATSIGRANGE]
                        [--latSigMaskRange LATSIGMASKRANGE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug           Print additional debugging information
  -s SCANDATE, --scandate SCANDATE
                        scandate in format of input data.
                        Will find all files associated to this scandate for
                        the relevant command.
                        Specify single filename to analyze
                        Specify listOfScandates file. Note this is not
                        supported for commands armDacCal, dacScanV3 or
                        sbitThresh. The input file here is a tab delimited
                        file where the first line is the column header
                        'ChamberName Scandate' and subsequent lines are
                        ChamberName and scandate pairs, e.g.
  --chamberConfig       Use system specific chamber_config and GEBtype
                        Comma separated string used to build chamber_config
                        and GEBtype dictionaries at runtime; format expected:
                        detector S/N, detector type, uTCA shelf, AMC slot, and
                        OH link, e.g. 'GE11-X-S-CERN-0001,short,1,4,7'.
  --mappingFile MAPPINGFILE
                        Comma separated file used to build chamber_config and
                        GEBtype dictionaries at runtime; each line gives
                        respectively detector S/N, detector type, uTCA shelf,
                        AMC slot, and OH link
  --light               Analysis uses only 25% of available cores
  --medium              Analysis uses only 50% of available cores
  --heavy               Analysis uses only 75% of available cores
  -f, --fit             Fit the latency distributions
  --latSigRange LATSIGRANGE
                        Comma separated pair of values defining expected
                        signal range, e.g. lat #epsilon [41,43] is signal
                        Comma separated pair of values defining the region to
                        be masked when trying to fit the noise, e.g. lat
                        #notepsilon [40,44] is noise (lat < 40 || lat > 44)

The sbitThresh Command

% sbitThresh -h
usage: sbitThresh [-h] [-d]
                               (-s SCANDATE | -i INPUTFILENAME | -l LISTOFSCANDATESFILE)
                               (--chamberConfig | --cNameAndAddr CNAMEANDADDR | --mappingFile MAPPINGFILE)
                               [-m MAXNOISERATE] [--perchannel]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug           Print additional debugging information
  -s SCANDATE, --scandate SCANDATE
                        scandate in format of input data.
                        Will find all files associated to this scandate for
                        the relevant command.
                        Specify single filename to analyze
                        Specify listOfScandates file. Note this is not
                        supported for commands armDacCal, dacScanV3 or
                        sbitThresh. The input file here is a tab delimited
                        file where the first line is the column header
                        'ChamberName Scandate' and subsequent lines are
                        ChamberName and scandate pairs, e.g.
  --chamberConfig       Use system specific chamber_config and GEBtype
                        Comma separated string used to build chamber_config
                        and GEBtype dictionaries at runtime; format expected:
                        detector S/N, detector type, uTCA shelf, AMC slot, and
                        OH link, e.g. 'GE11-X-S-CERN-0001,short,1,4,7'.
  --mappingFile MAPPINGFILE
                        Comma separated file used to build chamber_config and
                        GEBtype dictionaries at runtime; each line gives
                        respectively detector S/N, detector type, uTCA shelf,
                        AMC slot, and OH link
                        Max Noise Rate allowed in Hz
  --perchannel          If provided files to be analyzed will be treated as if
                        they are a perchannel scan; otherwise they will be
                        treated as if they where acquired taking all channels
                        for a given VFAT in OR

The scurve Command

% scurve -h
usage: scurve [-h] [-d]
                           (-s SCANDATE | -i INPUTFILENAME | -l LISTOFSCANDATESFILE)
                           (--chamberConfig | --cNameAndAddr CNAMEANDADDR | --mappingFile MAPPINGFILE)
                           (--light | --medium | --heavy)
                           [--maxEffPedPercent MAXEFFPEDPERCENT]
                           [--highNoiseCut HIGHNOISECUT]
                           [--deadChanCutLow DEADCHANCUTLOW]
                           [--deadChanCutHigh DEADCHANCUTHIGH] [-c | -p]
                           [-z ZSCORE] [--doNotFit]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug           Print additional debugging information
  -s SCANDATE, --scandate SCANDATE
                        scandate in format of input data.
                        Will find all files associated to this scandate for
                        the relevant command.
                        Specify single filename to analyze
                        Specify listOfScandates file. Note this is not
                        supported for commands armDacCal, dacScanV3 or
                        sbitThresh. The input file here is a tab delimited
                        file where the first line is the column header
                        'ChamberName Scandate' and subsequent lines are
                        ChamberName and scandate pairs, e.g.
  --chamberConfig       Use system specific chamber_config and GEBtype
                        Comma separated string used to build chamber_config
                        and GEBtype dictionaries at runtime; format expected:
                        detector S/N, detector type, uTCA shelf, AMC slot, and
                        OH link, e.g. 'GE11-X-S-CERN-0001,short,1,4,7'.
  --mappingFile MAPPINGFILE
                        Comma separated file used to build chamber_config and
                        GEBtype dictionaries at runtime; each line gives
                        respectively detector S/N, detector type, uTCA shelf,
                        AMC slot, and OH link
  --light               Analysis uses only 25% of available cores
  --medium              Analysis uses only 50% of available cores
  --heavy               Analysis uses only 75% of available cores
  -c, --channels        Make plots vs channels instead of strips
  -p, --panasonic       Make plots vs Panasonic pins instead of strips
  -z ZSCORE, --zscore ZSCORE
                        Z-Score for Outlier Identification in MAD Algo, used
                        to set HotChannel bit
  --doNotFit            Do not attempt to fit the scurves

Options for channel mask decisions:
  Parameters which specify how Dead, Noisy, and High Pedestal Channels are

                        Percentage, threshold for setting the HighEffPed mask
                        reason, if channel (effPed > maxEffPedPercent * nevts)
                        then HighEffPed is set
  --highNoiseCut HIGHNOISECUT
                        Threshold in fC for setting the HighNoise maskReason,
                        if channel (scurve_sigma > highNoiseCut) then
                        HighNoise is set
                        If channel (deadChanCutLow < scurve_sigma <
                        deadChanCutHigh) then DeadChannel is set
                        If channel (deadChanCutHigh < scurve_sigma <
                        deadChanCutHigh) then DeadChannel is set

The thrDac Command

% thrDac -h
usage: thrDac [-h] [-d]
                           (-s SCANDATE | -i INPUTFILENAME | -l LISTOFSCANDATESFILE)
                           (--chamberConfig | --cNameAndAddr CNAMEANDADDR | --mappingFile MAPPINGFILE)
                           (--light | --medium | --heavy) [-c | -p]
                           [-z ZSCORE] [--pervfat]
                           [--scurveScandate SCURVESCANDATE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug           Print additional debugging information
  -s SCANDATE, --scandate SCANDATE
                        scandate in format of input data.
                        Will find all files associated to this scandate for
                        the relevant command.
                        Specify single filename to analyze
                        Specify listOfScandates file. Note this is not
                        supported for commands armDacCal, dacScanV3 or
                        sbitThresh. The input file here is a tab delimited
                        file where the first line is the column header
                        'ChamberName Scandate' and subsequent lines are
                        ChamberName and scandate pairs, e.g.
  --chamberConfig       Use system specific chamber_config and GEBtype
                        Comma separated string used to build chamber_config
                        and GEBtype dictionaries at runtime; format expected:
                        detector S/N, detector type, uTCA shelf, AMC slot, and
                        OH link, e.g. 'GE11-X-S-CERN-0001,short,1,4,7'.
  --mappingFile MAPPINGFILE
                        Comma separated file used to build chamber_config and
                        GEBtype dictionaries at runtime; each line gives
                        respectively detector S/N, detector type, uTCA shelf,
                        AMC slot, and OH link
  --light               Analysis uses only 25% of available cores
  --medium              Analysis uses only 50% of available cores
  --heavy               Analysis uses only 75% of available cores
  -c, --channels        Make plots vs channels instead of strips
  -p, --panasonic       Make plots vs Panasonic pins instead of strips
  -z ZSCORE, --zscore ZSCORE
                        Z-Score for Outlier Identification in MAD Algo, used
                        to set HotChannel bit
  --pervfat             Analysis for a per-VFAT scan (default is per-channel)
  --scurveScandate SCURVESCANDATE
                        Provide this option if you want the chConfig.txt
                        file(s) that is(are) produced to taken into account
                        the channel register data from a previously analyzed
                        set of scurves that share this scandate, in

The trim Command

% trim -h
usage: trim [-h] [-d]
                         (-s SCANDATE | -i INPUTFILENAME | -l LISTOFSCANDATESFILE)
                         (--chamberConfig | --cNameAndAddr CNAMEANDADDR | --mappingFile MAPPINGFILE)
                         (--light | --medium | --heavy)
                         [--maxEffPedPercent MAXEFFPEDPERCENT]
                         [--highNoiseCut HIGHNOISECUT]
                         [--deadChanCutLow DEADCHANCUTLOW]
                         [--deadChanCutHigh DEADCHANCUTHIGH] [-c | -p]
                         [-z ZSCORE] [--trimPoints TRIMPOINTS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug           Print additional debugging information
  -s SCANDATE, --scandate SCANDATE
                        scandate in format of input data.
                        Will find all files associated to this scandate for
                        the relevant command.
                        Specify single filename to analyze
                        Specify listOfScandates file. Note this is not
                        supported for commands armDacCal, dacScanV3 or
                        sbitThresh. The input file here is a tab delimited
                        file where the first line is the column header
                        'ChamberName Scandate' and subsequent lines are
                        ChamberName and scandate pairs, e.g.
  --chamberConfig       Use system specific chamber_config and GEBtype
                        Comma separated string used to build chamber_config
                        and GEBtype dictionaries at runtime; format expected:
                        detector S/N, detector type, uTCA shelf, AMC slot, and
                        OH link, e.g. 'GE11-X-S-CERN-0001,short,1,4,7'.
  --mappingFile MAPPINGFILE
                        Comma separated file used to build chamber_config and
                        GEBtype dictionaries at runtime; each line gives
                        respectively detector S/N, detector type, uTCA shelf,
                        AMC slot, and OH link
  --light               Analysis uses only 25% of available cores
  --medium              Analysis uses only 50% of available cores
  --heavy               Analysis uses only 75% of available cores
  -c, --channels        Make plots vs channels instead of strips
  -p, --panasonic       Make plots vs Panasonic pins instead of strips
  -z ZSCORE, --zscore ZSCORE
                        Z-Score for Outlier Identification in MAD Algo, used
                        to set HotChannel bit
  --trimPoints TRIMPOINTS
                        Comma separated list of trim values that where used
                        when trimming, e.g. '-63,0,63'. Note a negative number
                        implies the trimPol register was set to 1 instead of
                        0. If not provided only the final 'Trimmed' scurve in
                        a trim run will be analyzed. This has no effect
                        if paired with the `--inputfilename` argument

Options for channel mask decisions:
  Parameters which specify how Dead, Noisy, and High Pedestal Channels are

                        Percentage, threshold for setting the HighEffPed mask
                        reason, if channel (effPed > maxEffPedPercent * nevts)
                        then HighEffPed is set
  --highNoiseCut HIGHNOISECUT
                        Threshold in fC for setting the HighNoise maskReason,
                        if channel (scurve_sigma > highNoiseCut) then
                        HighNoise is set
                        If channel (deadChanCutLow < scurve_sigma <
                        deadChanCutHigh) then DeadChannel is set
                        If channel (deadChanCutHigh < scurve_sigma <
                        deadChanCutHigh) then DeadChannel is set

How Has This Been Tested?

Extensive testing on 904 DAQ machines using old data.

Screenshots (if appropriate):


jsturdy commented 5 years ago

Feature Updated #225 and Files changed: 30 really don't belong in the same sentence...

bdorney commented 5 years ago


bdorney commented 5 years ago

A few comments on some common blocks, nothing obviously major, but overall a bit difficult to separate the refactored parts from the new parts (refactor here means code that was moved, and OptParse -> ArgParse. This could be alleviated at review time by squashing (and reordering) commits related to specific changes, as code can be reviewed on a per-commit basis), will probably make a stronger recommendation in the future for this, since I'm also guilty of this.

I did not know it was possible to reorder commits; I have made many squashes throughout the development process. I think I squashed at least 20 commits here; perhaps I should have been more vigorous use of squash.

Second point, and probably more visible only due to the refactor, is the inconsistent usage of string formatting. While I don't expect all old formatting to be updated, I would expect a consistent implementation for any new code (with the expectation that at some point all old code will be cleaned up)

In all new cases I have tried to use exclusively str::format() method for string formatting/concatenation. I agree 100% that we should remove and reduce inconsistency. I think you are seeing a lot of formatting cases with the % operator because of the refactoring. If we want to open a new issue to address inconsistencies in string formatting.

jsturdy commented 5 years ago

@bdorney please bump when ready for re-review

bdorney commented 5 years ago

@bdorney please bump when ready for re-review

Yes I will do so; I have not implemented the proposed change here though.

bdorney commented 5 years ago

@bdorney please bump when ready for re-review

Ready for re-review @jsturdy and @mexanick

bdorney commented 5 years ago


bdorney commented 5 years ago

Assumption is that this is working Don't do a plain merge if this is approved, if merging, do a squash merge

I defaulted this repo to "squash and merge"