cms-gem-daq-project / gem-plotting-tools

Repository for GEM commissioning plotting tools
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature Request: Add a ChipID TBranch To All Produced TTrees #50

Closed bdorney closed 7 years ago

bdorney commented 7 years ago

Brief summary of issue

Toward the eventual goal of DB interface all produced TTree objects should have a ChipID branch which stores the hex VFAT as a type int as this will be properly interpreted when casting back to hex.

Types of issue

Expected Behavior

All TTree objects have:

vfatID = array( 'i', [ 0 ] )
    myT.Branch( 'vfatID', vfatID, 'vfatID/I' )

Which is later filled in the appropriate locations. For example the syntax would be:

vfatID[0] = getChipID(ohboard, options.gtx, vfat, options.debug)

Current Behavior

There is no way to track which VFAT hybrids were used with a given scan. This is especially important for test stands in which this could change more readily; but this would also be important for P5 (e.g. linking ADC calibration data for a given VFAT).

Context (for feature requests)

Towards the long-term goal of DB integration