cms-gem-daq-project / xhal

XHAL interface library
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Clean-up unused branches #140

Closed lpetre-ulb closed 4 years ago

lpetre-ulb commented 4 years ago

Brief summary of issue

This repository contains many branches used for past long-lasting developments and quick hot-fixes. I propose to remove all the branches which are no longer useful.

Here is the list of branches I'll delete on Monday except if someone has strong reasons against it. All these branches have been merged in this repository or another GEM repository if the code was moved during refactoring.

Here is the list of branches which I think can safely be deleted, but for which I cannot find the merge commit. Are they still necessary? @mexanick? You created most of them.

Now, about the active branches:

jsturdy commented 4 years ago

I would say once templated-rpc-methods contains everything needed for a first release of the templated core (minimum #138, but possibly anything else that winds up being necessary re logging/memsvc/etc, but this last part can be part of the releasing) this can be merged to develop and then onto master and a release created. Then the usually "all developments start at the current develop) would apply again

lpetre-ulb commented 4 years ago

The core of the templated RPC is implemented since weeks (months?); it is maybe time to pre-release it (not in master then). I consider adding some (de)seriliazers into develop as a normal flow. However, if this is the latest remaining feature branch, I won't have a strong opposition against it.

lpetre-ulb commented 4 years ago

@mexanick, do you give me the green light to delete the branches listed in the second paragraph? Also, is there any opposition against deleting the legacyPreBoost branch (with the appropriate announcement obviously)?

mexanick commented 4 years ago

yes, please go ahead