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update JRA code from latest offline case to adapt online requirement #11

Open Fengwangdong opened 8 years ago

Fengwangdong commented 8 years ago

Hi Alexx,

I have managed to modify the JRA code with the latest offline package for online use. There are several points conflicting:

  1. vertex >=4 (offline) while vertex > = 1 (online), due to the HLT pixel vertices requirement.
  2. (1) srcVtx = OfflinePrimaryVertices (offline) while srcVtx = hltPixelVertices (online) (2) kt6Calojets and kt6PFjets objects are not compatible for HLT samples, therefore they have to be commented under the condition of "caloHLT" and "pfHLT" (3) sentences corresponding to "parton" have to be commented since there is no parton module in HLT samples for JRA ntuple production
  3. class_def.xml: The version number for "JRAEvent" has to be incremented from 25 to 26 because of compilation requirement:

There are many other small changes with the optional parameters, such as the example below for "JetAnalyzers/bin/". They are necessary for online case!

Some additional things: 1) The unmatched HLT reco-jet in "" and "" and "" 2) HLT objects in "" 3) The response histograms with true pileup variable in the "" and ""

In my opinion, it is quite difficult to synchronize the online and offline framework, since they seem to be not compatible. I'm not sure if they can be unified partly instead of all.

Thanks, Feng