cms-l1-dpg / Phase2-L1MenuTools

This repository contains the framework for the measurement of matching efficiencies, trigger turn-on curves, and scalings for the assessment of the physics performance of the CMS Phase-2 L1 Menu.
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Issues during migration to new rate framework #44

Open artlbv opened 1 year ago

artlbv commented 1 year ago

This is to collect the issues we have encountered during the migration to the new menu rate framework.

Et vs Pt

We have been using Et in the old menu config for Taus, Jets and EG objects. For Taus we observed some slight differences when using Pt, but actually the scalings are/were always determined for the Pt! Also the GT (emulator|) uses Pt and not Et.

-> Should we switch to using Pt completely?


Some discrepancies were observed here. TBC.