cms-l1-dpg / Phase2-L1Nano

NanoAOD ntupler for Phase-2 L1 Objects
Apache License 2.0
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Consider LazyEval for the non-standard variables #32

Open artlbv opened 2 weeks ago

artlbv commented 2 weeks ago

We could do the same as was done here:

Gianluca has made this change to the Nano tables instead of defining separate tables: p2l1pfp/FastPUPPI/NtupleProducer/python/

    process.staMuTable = cms.EDProducer("SimpleCandidateFlatTableProducer",
                        src = cms.InputTag('l1tSAMuonsGmt','promptSAMuons'),
                        cut = cms.string(""),
                        name = cms.string("StaMu"),
                        doc = cms.string("reco leptons"),
                        singleton = cms.bool(False), # the number of entries is variable
                        extension = cms.bool(False), # this is the main table
                        variables = cms.PSet(
                            pt  = Var("pt",  float,precision=8),
                            phi = Var("phi", float,precision=8),
                            eta  = Var("eta", float,precision=8),

could be interesting to check that also for our case – should work for most as they use the same collections?