I would like to start this issue to have a discussion about the (need of) adding the Phase-2 L1Nano to central CMSSW.
Input from our OFSW @epalencia @aloeliger and object contacts @EmyrClement @BenjaminRS @cerminar @folguera is appreciated!
FYI @slaurila @eyigitba
(Note that the P2GT decisions are already being monitored by the TriggerResults as the emulator uses an HLT-like setup)
Centralised location for the code / available in CMSSW directly
We can have central test workflows for every PR (for now only comparing the size of the nano branches -> the number of objects/ev is already useful imho)
Tied to CMSSW releases etc -> less flexible or need dedicated branches e.g. in the L1 offline repo
TPs (e.g. GTT) tables would need to be added to CMSSW (as was already before in their own ntuplers - really a con?)
I would like to start this issue to have a discussion about the (need of) adding the Phase-2 L1Nano to central CMSSW. Input from our OFSW @epalencia @aloeliger and object contacts @EmyrClement @BenjaminRS @cerminar @folguera is appreciated! FYI @slaurila @eyigitba
(Note that the P2GT decisions are already being monitored by the TriggerResults as the emulator uses an HLT-like setup)
Technical ingredients:
Test workflows: could add a nano wf based on a ttbar file to produce ~100 nano events.