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features for V9 nanoAOD #555

Closed mariadalfonso closed 3 years ago

mariadalfonso commented 3 years ago

-------- PPS--------

Data table

-------- JetMET--------

2016: puJetID for Ul16 + QGL 2016

2016: AK8 gen match

2016: JetID

cleanup JetVariables

Pileup Id training for UL18

Fat Jets constituents

FatJet particleNet Mass regression

-------- L1 trigger--------

Fix crash

ECAL L1 prefiring maps

Muon Prefiring + new ECAL L1 prefixing maps updates

-------- Leptons--------

leptonPT for tag and probe (muon/isoTrack)

electron genmmatch improvement

leptons W/Z increase precision:

2016 EGM scale + (4+4) variable needed for the uncertainties

cleanup electron never recommended for Run2 V1 variables

LowPt electrons

-------- TAU--------

Cleanup of IDs


Boosted Tau

-------- BTV--------

add SVcharge

-------- GEN--------

Fix customisation function

particleMass precision (nano + nanoGEN)

-------- Update for custom nano--------


updates in PATJetUpdater

mariadalfonso commented 3 years ago

reminder on modifiers:

to safeguard the current ongoing v8 production in 10_6_X (run2_nanoAOD_106Xv1 & ~run2_nanoAOD_devel).toModify(xyzTable , xyxVariable = None)

qliphy commented 3 years ago

@mariadalfonso Apart from cms-sw#33759, are there other PRs missing to start the build of 10_6_X for nanoAOD V9?

mariadalfonso commented 3 years ago

we compared the following releases with the run2_nanoAOD_106Xv2 CMSSW_10_6_X_2021-06-09-2300 CMSSW_12_0_X_2021-06-09-2300

We see some difference in the 1) METsignificance and 2) puppiMET. We are investigating possible fixes for the 10_6. as a note: we already had to customise this part already a lot for the nanov8 see in particular and we let you know in a few hours the PR with the fix

mariadalfonso commented 3 years ago

fix for METsignificance is here

mariadalfonso commented 3 years ago

all above is merged in