cms-nanoAOD / cmssw

CMS NanoAOD software integration repository
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need to add recent object boostedTau and lowPtElectron to the "linkedObjets" #579

Closed mariadalfonso closed 1 year ago

mariadalfonso commented 3 years ago

process.linkedObjects = cms.EDProducer("PATObjectCrossLinker", electrons = cms.InputTag("finalElectrons"), jets = cms.InputTag("finalJets"), muons = cms.InputTag("finalMuons"), photons = cms.InputTag("finalPhotons"), taus = cms.InputTag("finalTaus") )

mariadalfonso commented 3 years ago

boostedTauMC and lowPtElectronMCTask should be added also to nanogen

vlimant commented 1 year ago

does not seem like this was added. where was the request coming from ?

vlimant commented 1 year ago

dully noted

swertz commented 1 year ago

note that lowptelectrons are already in the cross linker: