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new features for V10 nanoAOD #580

Closed mariadalfonso closed 1 year ago

mariadalfonso commented 3 years ago

-------- Trigger Objs --------






-------- JetMET--------

bug fix unprefireable bit

bug fix for 2016 PUid tight vs loose wp

for Run3 move PuppiJets AK4

-------- Photons/electrons/LowPtElectrons--------

FSR photons for ele and muon

More input variable for the Hgg

Electron ZZ ID cleanup

Bean Halo ID

Add back ID

-------- Taus--------

fix the anti-eleID for boostedTaus

v2.5 tau ID

-------- VTX, BeamSpot, Rho, BX --------

-------- GEN--------

Sum of PSweights

Storing Proton table info

Storing Generator Filter Info

additional LHE weights for H,W,Z

Fix "mg_reweighting" in samples like aQGC

mariadalfonso commented 2 years ago

as general note for next release comparisons: MET on master is evolving and will not be anymore in synch with 10_6

master fix puppiType1 (should be only for master to restore the synch with 10_6)

tkMET changed definition in nano to match the mini

chsMET and puppiMET changed vertex definition

mariadalfonso commented 2 years ago

For early Run3 MC --era Run3,run3_nanoAOD_122 --customise="PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/V10/nano_cff.nanoAOD_customizeV10"

Prompt RunC 12_4 data{*} and real MC Run3 campaign --era Run3 --customise="PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/V10/nano_cff.nanoAOD_customizeV10"

For early Run2UL

--era Run2_2016,run2_nanoAOD_106Xv2  --customise="PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/V10/nano_cff.nanoAOD_customizeV10"
--era Run2_2016_HIPM,run2_nanoAOD_106Xv2 --customise="PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/V10/nano_cff.nanoAOD_customizeV10"
--era Run2_2017,run2_nanoAOD_106Xv2 --customise="PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/V10/nano_cff.nanoAOD_customizeV10"
--era Run2_2018,run2_nanoAOD_106Xv2 --customise="PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/V10/nano_cff.nanoAOD_customizeV10"


Prompt RunA/RunB 12_3 data{} {}

mariadalfonso commented 1 year ago

These two PRs, even if not directly related to the nano, are fixing the muonID (12_5) (12_4)

mariadalfonso commented 1 year ago