cms-opendata-analyses / PhysObjectExtractorTool

This repository has working code examples (snippets) on how to access different physics objects in the context of CMSSW software.
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Inconsistencies introduced in poet_cfg #37

Closed caredg closed 3 years ago

caredg commented 3 years ago

@katilp, there are some inconsistencies, I think (unless I am not looking at it correctly) in your recent push. The line above, for example, is not consistent with the current by default.

Also, global tag FT53_V21A_AN6_FULL::All does not exist.

Regarding the line for the json file, since the instructions in the README run from inside the PhysObjectExtractor package, I only used data/jsonfile path. I will comment out this section as it is not needed for testing, and make a note.

You also erased the connect statement in the global tag, which was commented out anyway, but I think it is good to have there, no?

@jmhogan I will make those changes now.

caredg commented 3 years ago

I think I fixed these things with 7c01b42

katilp commented 3 years ago

I'm sorry, that was totally unintended. I was updating my own fork from the original repo and did not imagine that solving conflicts would push to the original repo given that I was sure that I was making a PR to my own fork. Now I know that it can happen and won't do it again. I'm sorry for the trouble