cms-sw / cms-docker

Docker files for various cms services and tasks
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Update el8 images #232

Closed mmascher closed 8 months ago

mmascher commented 8 months ago

See for details

cmsbuild commented 8 months ago

A new Pull Request was created by @mmascher (Marco Mascheroni) for branch master.

@iarspider, @aandvalenzuela, @smuzaffar, @cmsbuild can you please review it and eventually sign? Thanks. @rappoccio, @sextonkennedy, @antoniovilela you are the release manager for this. cms-bot commands are listed here

cmsbuild commented 8 months ago

Pull request #232 was updated.

smuzaffar commented 8 months ago

ok, we will merge it on Monday then

mmascher commented 8 months ago

@smuzaffar Let's merge this!

smuzaffar commented 8 months ago

@mmascher , we have re-tagged and deployed following [a] new images under /cvmfs/ The new images allows us to use x86_64, aarch64, and ppc64le from /cvmfs/ New images names are same as the old images but just contain -$(uname -m) suffix. Extra arch based suffix was needed to get these images deployed on the cvmfs.

Can we start testing the new images on ITB and may be move the productions jobs to use these images? Thanks, --Shahzad
