cms-sw / cms-docker

Docker files for various cms services and tasks
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[alma8] Add rpm command to dump information about the packages in the container #256

Closed aandvalenzuela closed 5 months ago

aandvalenzuela commented 5 months ago

@smuzaffar, I would like to reuse the script in all config files, can I put it one level up and get the repo name using basename?

cmsbuild commented 5 months ago

A new Pull Request was created by @aandvalenzuela (Andrea Valenzuela) for branch master.

@aandvalenzuela, @smuzaffar, @cmsbuild, @iarspider can you please review it and eventually sign? Thanks. @rappoccio, @sextonkennedy, @antoniovilela you are the release manager for this. cms-bot commands are listed here

cmsbuild commented 5 months ago

cms-bot internal usage

cmsbuild commented 5 months ago

Pull request #256 was updated.

cmsbuild commented 5 months ago

Pull request #256 was updated.

cmsbuild commented 5 months ago

Pull request #256 was updated.

cmsbuild commented 5 months ago

Pull request #256 was updated.

cmsbuild commented 5 months ago

Pull request #256 was updated.

cmsbuild commented 5 months ago

Pull request #256 was updated.

aandvalenzuela commented 5 months ago

Thanks @smuzaffar! It builds locally, should I modify the others in a follow-up PRs? Otherwise we will trigger rebuilds for all of the images, I think

smuzaffar commented 5 months ago

@aandvalenzuela , with this change , you have to make sure that code section also work. This code reads the file pointed by ADD or COPYcommand and include it in checksum. Currently it assumes that file exists under repo directory. So you need to add the concept of build_context in the config.yaml. Default should be . and amla8/config.yaml can set it to .. and then above mention code can make use of it to read the ADD/COPY files contents

cmsbuild commented 5 months ago

Pull request #256 was updated.

cmsbuild commented 5 months ago

Pull request #256 was updated.