cms-sw / cms-git-tools

CMS Git Helpers
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Error when not creating the reference repository. #27

Open ktf opened 11 years ago

ktf commented 11 years ago

Answering no to "Create a cache" results in trying to use the none reference repository, which is obviously wrong.

jordantucker commented 11 years ago

Something that might be related that I just encountered (and bear with me as I'm just now getting started with git):

In a fresh temp 5_3_11 working area, I tried

git cms-addpkg DataFormats/MuonReco

and it wanted to create the reference git repository:

Your reference git repository does not seem to exist, would you like to create it? [ y / N / ? ] ?

I typed ?ENTER since I wanted more info, and apparently the was not a bright idea:

Answering yes will create a new cache directory in $CMSSW_GIT_REFERENCE:

i.e. /uscms/home/tucker/.cmsgit-cache

and put there a copy of the official CMSSW repository. git cms-addpkg will then reuse this information to keep your CMSSW workareas to a minimal size. The initial checkout could take a few minutes, but all the others should then take only a few seconds.

Just say yes.

Your reference git repository does not seem to exist, would you like to create it? [ y / N / ? ] Cloning into /uscms/home/tucker/private/tmp/CMSSW_5_3_11/src... fatal: reference repository 'none' is not a local directory.

I.e. the ENTER keypress amounted to specifying N on the second "create it?" prompt -- not what I was expecting, but fine.

The reason I am complaining about all this is that this seems to have had the side effect of deleting the src directory out of the working area. src was my $PWD at the time, if that helps. Also, src was empty, so no real problem, but I wonder if it could be dangerous (probably just a simple 'rmdir' but I do not know).

I recreated the src directory and tried the addpkg command again, answering y to the "create it?" prompt. It did its thing and got to the point where it asked me for my keyphrase, which I returned to after several minutes of coffee-getting. I guess there was a timeout somewhere:

No release tags specified, using default CMSSW_5_3_11. You are on branch CMSSW_5_3_X Checking out DataFormats/MuonReco in tag CMSSW_5_3_11. Your reference git repository does not seem to exist, would you like to create it? [ y / N / ? ] yCloning into bare repository /uscms/home/tucker/.cmsgit-cache... remote: Counting objects: 1095224, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (276013/276013), done. remote: Total 1095224 (delta 839677), reused 1065102 (delta 810104) Receiving objects: 100% (1095224/1095224), 291.93 MiB | 23.67 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (839677/839677), done. Fetching origin From branch HEAD -> FETCH_HEAD Cloning into /uscms/home/tucker/private/tmp/CMSSW_5_3_11/src... Enter passphrase for key '/uscms/home/tucker/.ssh/id_rsa': Enter passphrase for key '/uscms/home/tucker/.ssh/id_rsa': Connection closed by fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

after which the src directory has disappeared again! Once more recreating src and trying addpkg, it succeeded (and did not delete the src directory).

Sorry if this should have been filed as a separate issue.