cms-sw / cmspkg

4 stars 4 forks source link

cmspkg fails without error message #1

Closed clelange closed 7 years ago

clelange commented 7 years ago

Return code is 1. Steps to reproduce (eg. on lxplus):

export SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc481
export INSTALL_DIR=`pwd`/install
sh -ex ./ -r cms -a $SCRAM_ARCH -p $INSTALL_DIR setup
$INSTALL_DIR/common/cmspkg -a $SCRAM_ARCH install -y cms+local-cern-siteconf+sm111124
$INSTALL_DIR/common/cmspkg -a $SCRAM_ARCH install -y cms+cmssw+${CMSSW_VERSION}

The last command just exits:

Get:199 cmssw/cms/slc6_amd64_gcc481 external+xz+5.0.3__5.1.2alpha-cms5-1-1.slc6_amd64_gcc481.rpm
Get:200 cmssw/cms/slc6_amd64_gcc481 external+yaml-cpp+0.5.1-cms-1-1.slc6_amd64_gcc481.rpm
Get:201 cmssw/cms/slc6_amd64_gcc481 external+yoda+1.0.4-cms-1-1.slc6_amd64_gcc481.rpm
Get:202 cmssw/cms/slc6_amd64_gcc481 external+zlib+1.2.8-1-1.slc6_amd64_gcc481.rpm
Get:203 cmssw/cms/slc6_amd64_gcc481 lcg+SCRAMV1+V2_2_6_pre4-1-1.slc6_amd64_gcc481.rpm
Get:204 cmssw/cms/slc6_amd64_gcc481 lcg+roofit+5.34.18-cms4-1-1.slc6_amd64_gcc481.rpm
Get:205 cmssw/cms/slc6_amd64_gcc481 lcg+root+5.34.18-cms5-1-1.slc6_amd64_gcc481.rpm
Downloading indirect dependencies....
0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 removed and 0 not upgraded
Get:206 cmssw/cms/slc6_amd64_gcc481 cms+gcc-toolfile+12.0-cms3-1-1.slc6_amd64_gcc481.rpm
Downloaded 6073MB of archives.
After unpacking 12585MB of additional disk space will be used.
Executing RPM (source /afs/ slc6_amd64_gcc481; rpm -Uvh -r /afs/ --force --prefix /afs/ce --ignoreos --ignorearch --oldpackage )...
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
        installing package cms+data-FastSimulation-MaterialEffects+V04-02-08-1-1.x86_64 needs 19MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package cms+data-CalibCalorimetry-CaloMiscalibTools+V01-00-00-1-1.x86_64 needs 48MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package cms+data-FastSimulation-PileUpProducer+V04-05-18-cms-1-1.x86_64 needs 2239MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package cms+data-Geometry-CaloEventSetup+V03-11-02-1-1.x86_64 needs 2245MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package cms+data-Geometry-TrackerRecoData+V01-04-05-1-1.x86_64 needs 2245MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package cms+data-RecoMuon-MuonIdentification+V01-12-01-1-1.x86_64 needs 2245MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package cms+cmsswdata+27-ddibom5-1-1.x86_64 needs 2245MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package cms+coral+CORAL_2_3_21-ddibom4-1-1.x86_64 needs 2253MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+opencl-cpp+1.1-1-1.x86_64 needs 2253MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+sherpa+2.2.2-ddibom-1-1.x86_64 needs 2608MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package cms+ccache-gcc-toolfile+1.0-1-1.x86_64 needs 2608MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+rivet+1.8.2-cms8-1-1.x86_64 needs 2637MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+fasthadd+1.1-cms3-1-1.x86_64 needs 2637MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+python-ldap+2.4.10-cms2-1-1.x86_64 needs 2638MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+pyqt+4.8.1-cms2-1-1.x86_64 needs 2652MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+rivet2+2.0.0-cms6-1-1.x86_64 needs 2670MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package cms+llvm-gcc-toolfile+13.0-cms9-1-1.x86_64 needs 2670MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+herwigpp+2.7.1-ddibom5-1-1.x86_64 needs 2729MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+evtgen+1.3.0-ddibom7-1-1.x86_64 needs 2745MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+professor+1.0.0-cms19-1-1.x86_64 needs 2746MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+geant4-parfullcms+2014.01.27-ddibom2-1-1.x86_64 needs 2755MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+jimmy+4.2-ddibom5-1-1.x86_64 needs 2755MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package cms+dbs-client+DBS_2_1_9-cms2-1-1.x86_64 needs 2759MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+tkonlinesw+2.7.0-cms2-1-1.x86_64 needs 2804MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+evtgenlhc+9.1-cms3-1-1.x86_64 needs 2812MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+tauola+27.121.5-1-1.x86_64 needs 2813MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+fastjet-contrib+1.009-cms3-1-1.x86_64 needs 2816MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+ktjet+1.06-cms3-1-1.x86_64 needs 2819MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package lcg+roofit+5.34.18-cms4-1-1.x86_64 needs 2842MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+mctester+1.25.0a-cms19-1-1.x86_64 needs 2844MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+hector+1_3_4-cms19-1-1.x86_64 needs 2853MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+py2-cx-oracle+5.1-cms3-1-1.x86_64 needs 2854MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+charybdis+1.003-ddibom5-1-1.x86_64 needs 2854MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+cascade+2.2.04-ddibom5-1-1.x86_64 needs 2974MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+toprex+4.23-1-1.x86_64 needs 2976MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+mcdb+1.0.2-cms-1-1.x86_64 needs 2976MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+fftjet+1.5.0-1-1.x86_64 needs 2978MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+py2-pycurl+7.19.0-cms2-1-1.x86_64 needs 2978MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+git+ needs 3052MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+gdb+7.7-cms4-1-1.x86_64 needs 3060MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+classlib+3.1.3-cms5-1-1.x86_64 needs 3062MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+graphviz+2.16.1-cms-1-1.x86_64 needs 3082MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+igprof+5.9.10-1-1.x86_64 needs 3087MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+cgal+4.2-cms6-1-1.x86_64 needs 3115MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+py2-lint+0.25.1-cms2-1-1.x86_64 needs 3119MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+py2-sqlalchemy+0.8.2-cms3-1-1.x86_64 needs 3127MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+py2-pygithub+1.23.0-cms-1-1.x86_64 needs 3146MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+cvs2git+5419-cms2-1-1.x86_64 needs 3147MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+py2-ipython+0.10-cms2-1-1.x86_64 needs 3153MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package cms+das_client+v02.17.04-1-1.x86_64 needs 3153MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+py2-cjson+1.0.5-cms2-1-1.x86_64 needs 3153MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+py2-networkx+1.8.1-cms-1-1.x86_64 needs 3159MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+gnuplot+4.6.1-1-1.x86_64 needs 3166MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+millepede+V04-00-02-1-1.x86_64 needs 3167MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package cms+gcc-toolfile+12.0-cms3-1-1.x86_64 needs 3167MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package cms+icc-gcc-toolfile+2.0-cms3-1-1.x86_64 needs 3167MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package cms+distcc-gcc-toolfile+2.0-cms5-1-1.x86_64 needs 3167MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+dpm+ needs 3168MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+sigcpp+2.2.10-cms4-1-1.x86_64 needs 3170MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+valgrind+3.9.0-cms4-1-1.x86_64 needs 3210MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+google-perftools+1.6-1-1.x86_64 needs 3210MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+dmtcp+2.0-2212-1-1.x86_64 needs 3219MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+sloccount+2.26-cms4-1-1.x86_64 needs 3220MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+libungif+4.1.4-1-1.x86_64 needs 3220MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+tbb+42_20131118oss-1-1.x86_64 needs 3226MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+heppdt+3.03.00-1-1.x86_64 needs 3230MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+libhepml+0.2.1-1-1.x86_64 needs 3230MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package cms+vdt+v0.3.2-cms-1-1.x86_64 needs 3230MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+glimpse+4.18.5-1-1.x86_64 needs 3232MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+doxygen+1.8.5-cms5-1-1.x86_64 needs 3240MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+jemalloc+3.5.0-1-1.x86_64 needs 3242MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+meschach+1.2.pCMS1-1-1.x86_64 needs 3242MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+alpgen+214-cms-1-1.x86_64 needs 3330MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+lcov+1.9-1-1.x86_64 needs 3331MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+cuda+1.0-1-1.x86_64 needs 3331MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package cms+cmssw-tool-conf+31.0-ddibom13-1-1.x86_64 needs 3331MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+file+5.13-1-1.x86_64 needs 3334MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package external+patchelf+0.8-1-1.x86_64 needs 3335MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package cms+cms-git-tools+140602.0-1-1.x86_64 needs 3335MB on the /afs filesystem
        installing package cms+cmssw+CMSSW_7_1_28-1-1.x86_64 needs 4578MB on the /afs filesystem
[clange@lxplus090]~/work/bootstrap% echo $?

There should be sufficient space on the device. Thanks for any help!

clelange commented 7 years ago

I think the problem is in - the list of packages gets too long for a call. Solution is to split the command into several parts, I'll provide a suggestion in a PR, which then needs installation with --nodeps flag.

clelange commented 7 years ago

Problem was insufficient space on the volume. Very difficult to figure this out, since the space needed is about a factor 3-4 higher than what is indicated in the RPM command output.

smuzaffar commented 7 years ago

Actually, ideally it needs disk space for downloaded RPMs plus the installation e.g. for this 7_1_28 release

Get:206 cmssw/cms/slc6_amd64_gcc481 cms+gcc-toolfile+12.0-cms3-1-1.slc6_amd64_gcc481.rpm
Downloaded 6073MB of archives.
After unpacking 12585MB of additional disk space will be used.

so in this case 6073MB+12585MB=18.5GB during installation and 12.5GB after the sucessfull installation (download rpms are removed once successfully installed).

But to save total disk space across all architectures (for latest releases) we make a copy of arch/cms/data- in to share/cms/data- ( ) which means some extra disk (equal to the size of largest data package) is also needed at install time.