Closed fabiocos closed 6 years ago
A new Issue was created by @fabiocos Fabio Cossutti.
@davidlange6, @Dr15Jones, @smuzaffar, @fabiocos can you please review it and eventually sign/assign? Thanks.
cms-bot commands are listed here
assign fastsim
New categories assigned: fastsim
@mdhildreth,@ssekmen,@lveldere,@civanch you have been requested to review this Pull request/Issue and eventually sign? Thanks
The problem is triggered here:
but clearly this is the consequence of some particle with a not recognized id being produced from time to time, apparently in a non reproducible way (which sounds worrying)
Extending the addOnTest configuration from 100 to 10000 events and running it twice:
first run:
Begin processing the 7648th record. Run 1, Event 7648, LumiSection 1 on stream 2 at 23-Mar-2018 12:58:02.844 CET %MSG-e MissingProduct: HybridClusterProducer:cleanedHybridSuperClusters 23-Mar-2018 12:58:02 CET Run: 1 Event: 7648 could not get a handle on the EcalRecHitCollection! %MSG %MSG-e MissingProduct: HybridClusterProducer:uncleanedHybridSuperClusters 23-Mar-2018 12:58:02 CET Run: 1 Event: 7648 could not get a handle on the EcalRecHitCollection! %MSG Begin processing the 7649th record. Run 1, Event 7649, LumiSection 1 on stream 0 at 23-Mar-2018 12:58:02.969 CET ----- Begin Fatal Exception 23-Mar-2018 12:58:02 CET----------------------- An exception of category 'fastsim::ParticleManager' occurred while [0] Processing Event run: 1 lumi: 1 event: 7648 stream: 2 [1] Running path 'simulation_step' [2] Calling method for module FastSimProducer/'fastSimProducer' Exception Message: unknown pdg id: 30443 ----- End Fatal Exception -------------------------------------------------
Second run:
Begin processing the 5192nd record. Run 1, Event 5192, LumiSection 1 on stream 2 at 23-Mar-2018 21:26:02.188 CET %MSG-e MissingProduct: HybridClusterProducer:cleanedHybridSuperClusters 23-Mar-2018 21:26:02 CET Run: 1 Event: 5192 could not get a handle on the EcalRecHitCollection! %MSG %MSG-e MissingProduct: HybridClusterProducer:uncleanedHybridSuperClusters 23-Mar-2018 21:26:02 CET Run: 1 Event: 5192 could not get a handle on the EcalRecHitCollection! %MSG ----- Begin Fatal Exception 23-Mar-2018 21:26:02 CET----------------------- An exception of category 'fastsim::ParticleManager' occurred while [0] Processing Event run: 1 lumi: 1 event: 5192 stream: 2 [1] Running path 'simulation_step' [2] Calling method for module FastSimProducer/'fastSimProducer' Exception Message: unknown pdg id: 9010221 ----- End Fatal Exception -------------------------------------------------
The code behaves in a non reproducible way, and in both crashes in the same event appears the same MSG-e error message, this is a pattern present also in the crashes during PR tests.
from some additional checks run during the week-end: a single-threaded run hangs (in a reproducible way) at event 1735. I have a complete dump with tracer and memory check available, here is the last piece:
++++ finished: processing event : stream = 0 run = 1 lumi = 1 event = 1734 time = 8670000001 ++++ starting: source event ++++ finished: source event Begin processing the 1735th record. Run 1, Event 1735, LumiSection 1 on stream 0 at 25-Mar-2018 18:27:05.263 CEST ++++ starting: processing event : stream = 0 run = 1 lumi = 1 event = 1735 time = 8675000001 ++++++ starting: processing path 'DQMoutput_step' : stream = 0 ++++++ starting: processing path 'AODSIMoutput_step' : stream = 0 ++++++ starting: processing path 'validation_step' : stream = 0 ++++++++ starting: prefetching before processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'genstepfilter' id = 299 ++++++ starting: processing path 'genfiltersummary_step' : stream = 0 ++++++++ starting: prefetching before processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'genFilterEfficiencyProducer' id = 297 ++++++ starting: processing path 'prevalidation_step' : stream = 0 ++++++++ starting: prefetching before processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'generator' id = 16 ++++++ starting: processing path 'eventinterpretaion_step' : stream = 0 ++++++ starting: processing path 'reconstruction_step' : stream = 0 ++++++ starting: processing path 'L1Reco_step' : stream = 0 ++++++ starting: processing path 'digi2raw_step' : stream = 0 ++++++ starting: processing path 'L1simulation_step' : stream = 0 ++++++ starting: processing path 'digitisation_step' : stream = 0 ++++++ starting: processing path 'reconstruction_befmix_step' : stream = 0 ++++++ starting: processing path 'simulation_step' : stream = 0 ++++++ starting: processing path 'generation_step' : stream = 0 ++++++++ finished: prefetching before processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'generator' id = 16 ++++++++ starting: processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'generator' id = 16 ++++++++ finished: processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'generator' id = 16 ++++++++ starting: prefetching before processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'mix' id = 39 ++++++++ starting: prefetching before processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'pfPileUpEI' id = 148 ++++++++++ starting: prefetching before processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'offlinePrimaryVertices' id = 733 ++++++++++++ starting: prefetching before processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'trackRefsForJetsBeforeSorting' id = 851 ++++++++++++++ starting: prefetching before processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'trackWithVertexRefSelectorBeforeSorting' id = 853 ++++++++++++++++ starting: prefetching before processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'unsortedOfflinePrimaryVertices' id = 860 ++++++++ starting: prefetching before processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'bunchSpacingProducer' id = 79 ++++++++ starting: prefetching before processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'l1extraParticles' id = 78 ++++++++ finished: prefetching before processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'l1extraParticles' id = 78 ++++++++ starting: processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'l1extraParticles' id = 78 ++++++++ finished: processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'l1extraParticles' id = 78 ++++++++ starting: processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'L1Reco_step' id = 8 ++++++++ finished: processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'L1Reco_step' id = 8 ++++++ finished: processing path 'L1Reco_step' : stream = 0 ++++++++ starting: prefetching before processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'caloLayer1RawFed1354' id = 63 ++++++++ starting: prefetching before processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'simCaloStage2Layer1Digis' id = 51 ++++++++ starting: prefetching before processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'generatorSmeared' id = 19 ++++++++ starting: prefetching before processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'offlineBeamSpot' id = 33 ++++++++ finished: prefetching before processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'offlineBeamSpot' id = 33 ++++++++ starting: processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'offlineBeamSpot' id = 33 ++++++++ finished: processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'offlineBeamSpot' id = 33 ++++++++ starting: prefetching before processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'fastTrackerRecHits' id = 34 ++++++++ starting: prefetching before processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'fastSimProducer' id = 31 ++++++++ starting: prefetching before processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'randomEngineStateProducer' id = 17 ++++++++ finished: prefetching before processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'randomEngineStateProducer' id = 17 ++++++++ starting: processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'randomEngineStateProducer' id = 17 ++++++++ finished: processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'randomEngineStateProducer' id = 17 ++++++++ starting: prefetching before processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'VtxSmeared' id = 18 ++++++++ finished: prefetching before processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'VtxSmeared' id = 18 ++++++++ starting: processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'VtxSmeared' id = 18 ++++++++ finished: processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'VtxSmeared' id = 18 ++++++++ finished: prefetching before processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'generatorSmeared' id = 19 ++++++++ starting: processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'generatorSmeared' id = 19 ++++++++ finished: processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'generatorSmeared' id = 19 ++++++++ finished: prefetching before processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'fastSimProducer' id = 31 ++++++++ starting: processing event for module: stream = 0 label = 'fastSimProducer' id = 31
It looks that fastsim needs some serious check about robustness in long runs, although IBs look generally clean.
The validation report at the PPD meeting of March 29 confirms that there is a ~ 10% rate of job failure for fastsim in the 10_1_0_pre3 relval production, possibly increased wrt previous releases.
Might be helpful to valgrind it.
@ssekmen @civanch do you have any update on this issue?
@fabiocos , sorry for the silence. This was a problem we had encountered earlier, and thought to be resolved by correctly setting simtrack IDs. We are investigating further.
Here is a backtrace and some gdb printouts for the hang on event 1735 in single-threaded mode:
#0 0x0000003644608dab in __ieee754_asin () from /lib64/
#1 0x0000003644624902 in asin () from /lib64/
#2 0x00007fffdbfa1029 in fastsim::HelixTrajectory::nextCrossingTimeC (this=0x7fff5fa8ee60, layer=..., onLayer=<optimized out>)
at /uscms_data/d3/pedrok/hf/fast/vg/CMSSW_10_2_0_pre1/src/FastSimulation/SimplifiedGeometryPropagator/src/
#3 0x00007fffdbfa698d in fastsim::LayerNavigator::moveParticleToNextLayer (this=this@entry=0x7fffffff4ee0, particle=..., layer=@0x7fffffff4de0: 0x0)
at /uscms_data/d3/pedrok/hf/fast/vg/CMSSW_10_2_0_pre1/src/FastSimulation/SimplifiedGeometryPropagator/src/
#4 0x00007fffdbfee0bd in FastSimProducer::produce (this=0x7fffd0871000, iEvent=..., iSetup=...)
at /uscms_data/d3/pedrok/hf/fast/vg/CMSSW_10_2_0_pre1/src/FastSimulation/SimplifiedGeometryPropagator/plugins/
(gdb) frame 2
#2 0x00007fffdbfa1029 in fastsim::HelixTrajectory::nextCrossingTimeC (this=0x7fff5fa8ee60, layer=..., onLayer=<optimized out>)
at /uscms_data/d3/pedrok/hf/fast/vg/CMSSW_10_2_0_pre1/src/FastSimulation/SimplifiedGeometryPropagator/src/
109 phi2 = std::asin((-b + sqrtDelta) / (2.*a));
(gdb) print phi2
$1 = 0
(gdb) print -b
value has been optimized out
(gdb) print sqrtDelta
$2 = <optimized out>
(gdb) print a
$3 = 1.6019137863755555e+17
(gdb) frame 3
#3 0x00007fffdbfa698d in fastsim::LayerNavigator::moveParticleToNextLayer (this=this@entry=0x7fffffff4ee0, particle=..., layer=@0x7fffffff4de0: 0x0)
at /uscms_data/d3/pedrok/hf/fast/vg/CMSSW_10_2_0_pre1/src/FastSimulation/SimplifiedGeometryPropagator/src/
234 double tempDeltaTime = trajectory->nextCrossingTimeC(*_layer, particle.isOnLayer(_layer->isForward(), _layer->index()));
(gdb) print _layer
$4 = (const fastsim::SimplifiedGeometry *) 0x7fff5ec5ed00
(gdb) print *_layer
$5 = {_vptr.SimplifiedGeometry = 0x7fffdbfb2708 <vtable for fastsim::BarrelSimplifiedGeometry+16>, geomProperty_ = 3.0030000000000001, index_ = 0,
detLayer_ = 0x0, magneticFieldHist_ = std::unique_ptr<TH1F> containing 0x7fff5fc4ac00, thicknessHist_ = std::unique_ptr<TH1F> containing 0x7fff5fc76800,
nuclearInteractionThicknessFactor_ = 1, interactionModels_ = std::vector of length 6, capacity 8 = {0x7fffd062c9c0, 0x7fffd0b71800, 0x7fffd062c980,
0x7fffd0a68100, 0x7fffd062ca00, 0x7fffd06267a0}, caloType_ = fastsim::SimplifiedGeometry::NONE}
(gdb) frame 4
#4 0x00007fffdbfee0bd in FastSimProducer::produce (this=0x7fffd0871000, iEvent=..., iSetup=...)
at /uscms_data/d3/pedrok/hf/fast/vg/CMSSW_10_2_0_pre1/src/FastSimulation/SimplifiedGeometryPropagator/plugins/
246 while(layerNavigator.moveParticleToNextLayer(*particle,layer))
(gdb) print particle
$6 = std::unique_ptr<fastsim::Particle> containing 0x7fff5fa8edc0
(gdb) print *particle
$7 = {pdgId_ = -13, charge_ = 1, position_ = {fCoordinates = {fX = 0.031826737219976059, fY = -0.00027647409131310462, fZ = -1.2745637744665146,
fT = 0.10884436539269637}}, momentum_ = {fCoordinates = {fX = 161.63149706586913, fY = 0.053018557368889621, fZ = -132.28076371441142,
fT = 208.86109084179623}}, remainingProperLifeTimeC_ = 116093.80875165977, simTrackIndex_ = 0, simVertexIndex_ = 0, genParticleIndex_ = 422,
isOnForwardLayer_ = false, isOnLayerIndex_ = -1, energyDeposit_ = 0, isLooper_ = false, motherDeltaR_ = -1, motherPpdId_ = 0, motherSimTrackIndex_ = -999}
This looks like an infinite loop in the propagator. I hope someone more familiar with the code can look at it further.
@kpedro88 thanks for the investogation. @ssekmen is there any progress here?
Not yet unfortunately. Kevin's valgrind tests pointed out that either the material interaction modules or the decayer might be causing the issue. @skurz and I are investigating further.
I'm making progress in both issues (unknown pdgId and infinite loop) and I expect to have a PR tomorrow.
Both issues are expected to be fixed in this PR
@skurz very welcome, thanks, I have a question in that PR about the proposed fix
In recent days a recurrent failure in the fastsim2 addOn test has been noticed, although this does not appear in the IB and it is not trivially reproducible. The pattern of the problem is:
----- Begin Fatal Exception 22-Mar-2018 21:58:34 CET----------------------- An exception of category 'fastsim::ParticleManager' occurred while [0] Processing Event run: 1 lumi: 1 event: 55 stream: 0 [1] Running path 'simulation_step' [2] Calling method for module FastSimProducer/'fastSimProducer' Exception Message: unknown pdg id: 9010221 ----- End Fatal Exception -------------------------------------------------
I am trying to reproduce it in a long run. The problem has become frequent enough to deserve an investigation.