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[CLANG_X] Unit tests GeometryMTDCommon* failed #41171

Open iarspider opened 1 year ago

iarspider commented 1 year ago

Unit test TestDQMOnlineClient-ecal_dqm_sourceclient had ERRORS: log

Running the

===== Test "cmsRun" ====
TimeReport> Report activated
TimeReport> Report columns headings for events: eventnum runnum timetaken
TimeReport> Report columns headings for modules: eventnum runnum modulelabel modulename timetakeni
TimeReport> JobTime=1.67965e+09 JobCPU=1.80179

Begin processing the 1st record. Run 1, Event 1, LumiSection 1 on stream 0 at 24-Mar-2023 10:13:34.425 CET
DD4CMS           ERROR Exception while processing xml source:file:///cvmfs/
DD4CMS           ERROR ----> An exception of category 'FatalRootError' occurred.
   Additional Info:
      [a] Fatal Root Error: @SUB=TGeoXtru::DefinePolygon
In shape TGeoXtru 2 vertices cannot be identical

dd4hep: Error interpreting XML nodes of type <Algorithm/>
dd4hep: Error interpreting XML nodes of type <PosPartSection/>
TimeModule> 1 1 p1 PathStatusInserter 5.4121e-05
TimeModule> 1 1 TriggerResults TriggerResultInserter 9.05991e-06
----- Begin Fatal Exception 24-Mar-2023 10:13:35 CET-----------------------
An exception of category 'StdException' occurred while
   [0] Processing  Event run: 1 lumi: 1 event: 1 stream: 0
   [1] Running path 'p1'
   [2] Prefetching for module DD4hep_TestMTDIdealGeometry/'testBTL'
   [3] Calling method for EventSetup module DDDetectorESProducer/''
Exception Message:
A std::exception was thrown.
An exception of category 'FatalRootError' occurred.
   Additional Info:
      [a] Fatal Root Error: @SUB=TGeoXtru::DefinePolygon
In shape TGeoXtru 2 vertices cannot be identical

dd4hep: Error interpreting XML nodes of type <Algorithm/>
dd4hep: Error interpreting XML nodes of type <PosPartSection/>
dd4hep: while parsing /cvmfs/
dd4hep: with plugin:DD4hep_CompactLoader
----- End Fatal Exception -------------------------------------------------
cmsbuild commented 1 year ago

A new Issue was created by @iarspider .

@Dr15Jones, @perrotta, @dpiparo, @rappoccio, @makortel, @smuzaffar can you please review it and eventually sign/assign? Thanks.

cms-bot commands are listed here

iarspider commented 1 year ago

assign geometry

cmsbuild commented 1 year ago

New categories assigned: geometry

@mdhildreth,@Dr15Jones,@makortel,@bsunanda,@civanch you have been requested to review this Pull request/Issue and eventually sign? Thanks

perrotta commented 1 year ago

@fabiocos FYI

fabiocos commented 1 year ago

@perrotta this unit test builds the Phase2 geometry (now scenario D95) and navigates it as far as MTD is concerned. According to the error message reported, the issue seems to be on a HGCal xml file:

DD4CMS           ERROR Exception while processing xml source:file:///cvmfs/

@bsunanda did you observe other issues of this kind?

fabiocos commented 1 year ago

@perrotta I see all the MTD unit tests for DD4HEP fail in that CLANG_X IB, which looks suspicious. I recently moved them to scenario D95. Do we regularly run anything else with such a scenario?

iarspider commented 1 year ago

Relval 20834.911 failed with the same error:

DD4CMS           ERROR Exception while processing xml source:file:///cvmfs/
DD4CMS           ERROR ----> An exception of category 'FatalRootError' occurred.
   Additional Info:
      [a] Fatal Root Error: @SUB=TGeoXtru::DefinePolygon
In shape TGeoXtru 2 vertices cannot be identical

dd4hep: Error interpreting XML nodes of type <Algorithm/>
dd4hep: Error interpreting XML nodes of type <PosPartSection/>
----- Begin Fatal Exception 24-Mar-2023 04:46:21 CET-----------------------
An exception of category 'StdException' occurred while
   [0] Processing global begin Run run: 1
   [1] Prefetching for module OscarMTProducer/'g4SimHits'
   [2] Prefetching for EventSetup module MuonOffsetESProducer/'muonOffsetESProducer'
   [3] Prefetching for EventSetup module DDCompactViewESProducer/''
   [4] Calling method for EventSetup module DDDetectorESProducer/''
Exception Message:
A std::exception was thrown.
An exception of category 'FatalRootError' occurred.
   Additional Info:
      [a] Fatal Root Error: @SUB=TGeoXtru::DefinePolygon
In shape TGeoXtru 2 vertices cannot be identical

dd4hep: Error interpreting XML nodes of type <Algorithm/>
dd4hep: Error interpreting XML nodes of type <PosPartSection/>
dd4hep: while parsing /cvmfs/
dd4hep: with plugin:DD4hep_CompactLoader
----- End Fatal Exception -------------------------------------------------
fabiocos commented 1 year ago

The problem has nothing to do with scenario D95, it is is seen also for D88 with the same issue. Since D88 is routinely run since months, the question is what did change in the CLANG_X build yesterday.