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Valgrind errors in Reco ("Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value") #42253

Open VinInn opened 1 year ago

VinInn commented 1 year ago

as a side effect of I found these kind of other errors running Valgrind on reco CMSSW_12_4_14_patch1 100 events from file /store/data/Run2022D/JetMET/RAW/v1/000/357/899/00000/553156f5-b08e-4fcf-9318-a72b73572c76.root

log file in lxplus803: /tmp/innocent/tauCrash/val.log and in /afs/

[innocent@lxplus803 tauCrash]$ grep -A1 "uninitialised" val.log -c
[innocent@lxplus803 tauCrash]$ grep -A1 "uninitialised" val.log  | grep CMSSW -c
[innocent@lxplus803 tauCrash]$ grep -A1 "Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value" val.log -c
[innocent@lxplus803 tauCrash]$ grep -A1 "Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value" val.log | grep CMSSW -c
[innocent@lxplus803 tauCrash]$ grep -A1 "Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value" val.log | grep CMSSW  | grep -v mkfit -c

so most of them in mkfit (including some in atan2!) that may been already addressed

[innocent@lxplus803 tauCrash]$ grep -A1 "Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value" val.log | grep CMSSW | grep -v mkfit
==1366973==    at 0x80B1974B: cscdqm::StripClusterFinder::RefindMax() (in /cvmfs/
==1366973==    at 0x4E345C4B: ComparatorCodeLUT::run(CSCCLCTDigi&, unsigned int) const (in /cvmfs/
==1366973==    at 0x4E34610B: ComparatorCodeLUT::run(CSCCLCTDigi&, unsigned int) const (in /cvmfs/
==1366973==    at 0x4E3441BE: CSCUpgradeCathodeLCTProcessor::markPreTriggerZone(bool*) const (in /cvmfs/
==1366973==    at 0x421C38B9: l1t::CorrThreeBodyCondition::evaluateCondition(int) const (in /cvmfs/
==1366973==    at 0x421C38D6: l1t::CorrThreeBodyCondition::evaluateCondition(int) const (in /cvmfs/
cmsbuild commented 1 year ago

A new Issue was created by @VinInn Vincenzo Innocente.

@Dr15Jones, @perrotta, @dpiparo, @rappoccio, @makortel, @smuzaffar can you please review it and eventually sign/assign? Thanks.

cms-bot commands are listed here

Dr15Jones commented 1 year ago

assign reconstruction

cmsbuild commented 1 year ago

New categories assigned: reconstruction

@mandrenguyen,@clacaputo you have been requested to review this Pull request/Issue and eventually sign? Thanks

dan131riley commented 1 year ago

so most of them in mkfit (including some in atan2!) that may been already addressed

Hopefully yes, already addressed. MkFit should be valgrind clean as of #40105 in 12_6_0.

VinInn commented 1 year ago

Just to remind that the other occurrences have not been addresses. for instance I'm sure that in the protection against iS == 0 should be moved in the outer loop for (int iS = std::max(1,iLS); iS <= iRS; iS++)

VinInn commented 1 year ago


I' not sure that all values of the ispretrig_ array are initialized

makortel commented 1 year ago

assign l1,dqm

cmsbuild commented 1 year ago

New categories assigned: dqm,l1

@tjavaid,@epalencia,@micsucmed,@nothingface0,@rvenditti,@emanueleusai,@syuvivida,@aloeliger,@pmandrik you have been requested to review this Pull request/Issue and eventually sign? Thanks