Open anirban1982 opened 7 years ago
@kdlong @qliphy
I have seen a very similar issue using the "" tool. You can see the thread at: In my case, the final cross section after filter and matching is 0 and the one after matching is negative, giving a matching efficiency of -100%.
@anirban1982 I ran a few events and from the log log.log I see a few pythia warnings like:
-------- PYTHIA Info Listing ----------------------------------------
Beam A: id = 2212, pz = 6.500e+03, e = 6.500e+03, m = 9.383e-01.
Beam B: id = 2212, pz = -6.500e+03, e = 6.500e+03, m = 9.383e-01.
In 1: id = 21, x = 6.495e-03, pdf = 1.149e+01 at Q2 = 2.025e+05.
In 2: id = 21, x = 1.845e-01, pdf = 2.517e-01 at same Q2.
Warning: above flavour/x info does not match incoming partons in event!
Process Les Houches User Process(es) with code 9999 is 2 -> 2.
Subprocess user process 9999 with code 9999 is 2 -> 2.
It has sHat = 2.641e+05, tHat = -7.132e+02, uHat = -6.088e+04,
pTHat = 1.282e+01, m3Hat = 4.500e+02, m4Hat = 3.815e-06,
thetaHat = 2.156e-01, phiHat = 2.490e-01.
alphaEM = 7.647e-03, alphaS = 1.841e-01 at Q2 = 1.644e+02.
Impact parameter b = 9.761e-01 gives enhancement factor = 6.121e-01.
Max pT scale for MPI = 1.300e+04, ISR = 1.300e+04, FSR = 1.300e+04.
Number of MPI = 2, ISR = 6, FSRproc = 42, FSRreson = 1.
-------- End PYTHIA Info Listing ------------------------------------
which seems to indicate a color problem in POWHEG. However, the gridpack seems to be old ( Jul 20 2016) so I strongly suggest to produce it again, the problem should hae been fixed in the meanwhile
@perrozzi did the powheg version changed in CMSSW by this time, in between 20 July and now?
Jul 20 2016
aah, I see, I have informed the analyst to produce the new gridpack.
We have found an issue with GenXanalyser with Powheg gridpack, reported at:
We get zero cross section after matching, however, we see events in LHE and in the root files after the hadronization step.
Can you please have a look into the issue?
Thanks, Anirban for Higgs MC contacts.