cms-tau-pog / TauIDSFs

Tau ID scale factors
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TauIDs SFs for SL7 #10

Open Stepennov57 opened 2 years ago

Stepennov57 commented 2 years ago

Dear TauID experts,

It seems, that there are some problems with the code for SL7 CMSSW_10_6_29. If I try to use it in python code, adding from TauPOG.TauIDSFs.TauIDSFTool import TauIDSFTool , running analyzer leads to segmentation violation error. Adding TauIDSFTool to plugins C++ code doesn't allow to compile the code with scram b, looks like SL6 vs SL7 problem.

Could you please suggest, if it is possible to get version, compatible with CMSSW_10_6_29, which is used for processing UL data and MC?

Thank you,

kind regards, Anton

cardinia commented 2 years ago

Dear @Stepennov57,

I was using CMSSW_10_6_22 and encountered no such problem with the TauIDSFs repository, can you please provide the full error stack of the compiler and the commit at which you cloned the TauIDSFs repository?

It would help us locate the issue you are mentioning.

Kind regards, Andrea

Stepennov57 commented 2 years ago

Dear Andrea,

Here is how I install my ntuplizer first:

export SCRAM_ARCH=slc7_amd64_gcc700

cmsrel CMSSW_10_6_29

cd CMSSW_10_6_29/src


git cms-init

git clone --branch development []():dertexaner/RootTupleMaker.git Multilepton/RootTupleMaker

cp Multilepton/RootTupleMaker/RoccoR201*.txt ./

git cms-addpkg RecoEgamma/EgammaTools ### essentially just checkout the package from CMSSW

git clone

mv EgammaPostRecoTools/python/ RecoEgamma/EgammaTools/python/.

git clone -b ULSSfiles_correctScaleSysMC EgammaAnalysis/ElectronTools/data/

git cms-addpkg EgammaAnalysis/ElectronTools

scram b -j 8

at this stage everything works (one can do e.g. cmsRun test/ isMC=true year=2017), but then I add TauIDSFs: git clone TauPOG/TauIDSFs

scram b -j8

Then if I add

from TauPOG.TauIDSFs.TauIDSFTool import TauIDSFTool to .py file (python/ ), cmsRun throws segmentation fault (full log in pythonError.txt)

if I try to do it the other way, adding to c++ plugin (to plugins/ #include "TauPOG/TauIDSFs/interface/TauIDSFTool.h" and then declare the TauIDSF later in the same file: TauIDSFTool* sftool = new TauIDSFTool("UL2018","DeepTau2017v2p1VSe","Loose","pt",true); and do scram b it throws an error at building stage (full log in cppError.txt)

I've seen similar errors before when tried to compile smth with CMSSW, which was not supported by lxplus version.

Thank you,

kind regards, Anton

pythonError.txt cppError.txt