Updated electron variables to mirror official recommendations – how they are used in the VID – same methods. This was neccesary and users reported difference in the previous weeks.
2) New 80X ID maps integrated
3) 80X ID maps sans Iso integrated also.
This means excluding Pf ea Rel iso for standard working points
TrackPtIso + GsfEleEmHadD1IsoRhoCut for heep.
4) I have removed the preIchep recommendations - ie the previous IDs basically. If users need this I can add them.
Fixed a typo.
General changes :
Updated electron variables to mirror official recommendations – how they are used in the VID – same methods. This was neccesary and users reported difference in the previous weeks.
2) New 80X ID maps integrated 3) 80X ID maps sans Iso integrated also.
4) I have removed the preIchep recommendations - ie the previous IDs basically. If users need this I can add them.