cmseguin / rollup-plugin-react-scoped-css

A rollup plugin designed to allow scoped css to be run in react (Compatible with vite and rollup)
38 stars 6 forks source link

It's ignoring all CSS #37

Closed vinimarcili closed 1 year ago

vinimarcili commented 1 year ago

I'm trying to use this plugin with Vite, React + Typescript and Scss files. When I put plugin in vite.config.ts all css is ignored, be it .css, .scss, without or if .scoped.

cmseguin commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the delayed response, personal life got really busy. Can you provide some details on which version of Vite, node & typescript you are using as well as your vite.config.ts you are using? Thanks

vinimarcili commented 1 year ago

Hello! Unfortunately I don't have vite.config anymore because I ended up going to another solution using create-react-app + craco.js. But what I can provide is: Node: 16.14.2 vite: 4.0 Typescript: 4.7.4

But my vite.config was very simple, just with the scoped plugin and another plugin for tspaths I'm sorry for the lack of information, if that alone doesn't help I'll try to recreate the scenario to send the complete vite.config