cmss13-devs / cmss13

Contains the code for CM-SS13
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crit HUD for lurkers shows on other medhuds. #6604

Open dadlips opened 5 months ago

dadlips commented 5 months ago



Round ID


Description of the bug

6314 Specifically shows up on the ghost medhud, dunno if this is intended. Dunno if it shows up on other medhuds yet.

What's the difference with what should have happened?

probably should only show up to lurkers, although if it's intended for ghosts too that is kinda cool.

How do we reproduce this bug?

Step 1: Ghost, and turn on your medhud Step 2: you can see the funny new crit icon for lurkers!

Issue Bingo

ihatethisengine commented 4 months ago


seems to be a bigger issue?

kiVts commented 2 months ago

Sec huds randomly show people as wanted