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Drone Evolution T3: The Reaper Rehaul, Pseudo-Angelic and Necromancer-esque + Other Changes #6610

Open TheKillfish opened 5 days ago

TheKillfish commented 5 days ago

About the pull request

[Everything in square brackets are WIP notes, and will be removed when the PR is ready for undrafting]

A rework, or rather overhaul, of @Geevies' original Reaper PR #1899 and @ThePiachu's Reaper Re-up #2234 (Credit to them and Wei/sleepynecrons for the work they did). While very interesting and unique, the original form of the Reaper had a few issues related to it, particularly the nature of directly injecting marines with Larva Juice and it being a straight up superior Carrier, and my retrospective view of it takes issue with the 5-second cooldown marine abduction attack and overall offense-focused nature of it; T3 needs more variation than just offensive castes. Additionally it only evolved from Carrier, which is disappointing to me.

This rehaul of the Reaper seeks to make it a flexible frontlining support, capable of putting on a bit of hurt if necessary but primarily oriented around doing what the castes before it did; supporting the frontline rather than fighting it, while not doing so much that it makes one or both of it's immediate predecssors entirely inferior. To this end, the following have been inherited from Hivelord and Carrier (both of which it can evolve from);

In addition to the above, the Reaper has a few new features and abilities. The features and abilities are as follows: Flesh Resin Has a maximum of 1000, and passively grants bonus toxin damage (max 10) to Reaper's normal attacks and Rapture ability. Gained primarily through Flesh Harvest, but generates 5 on normal attacks and 10 via Rapture.

Flesh Harvest Cost: 50 Plasma Cooldown: Min 5 seconds, Max 20 seconds A relatively long (16s if fully uninterrupted), excessively flavoured channel ability that rips the limbs off unrevivable corpses, leaving them only as nuggets with heads (assuming cause of death wasn't decapitation). Each limb gives 30 flesh resin, and successfully harvesting a corpse uninterrupted (I.e, at least one limb throughout the channel) grants an extra 30 flesh resin. Attempting to harvest a corpse with no limbs or one with all-robotic limbs (God help the poor bastard) will give amusing messages and no flesh resin.

Rapture Cooldown: 15 seconds A limb-targeting melee attack with a three tile range that deals 35 damage (affected by frenzy pheros and respecting amour) but is mainly for causing p a i n to humans; aside from dealing scaling toxin damage based on flesh resin total, it forces pain emote, deals 5 hallucination damage, and if the target in question has 20 or more toxin damage when hit they will be made nauseous and vomit in ~20 seconds.

Raise Servant Cost: 100 Plasma, 200 Flesh Resin Cooldown: 20 seconds After a 20 second channel, create a loyal and disposable xenomorph pseudo-zombie our of flesh resin called a Rotting Drone, repeatable until you have 3! While incapable of damaging anything that doesn't live (so sadly no barricade breaking), always dying slowly when not within 3 tiles of the Reaper that made them and unaffected by pheremones or other xeno buffs, they are capable of passing through other xenomorphs, have 400 health and deal the same damage as Drones, making them perfect distractions or meatshields when combined with Command Servants. Upon death, their bodies melt into nothing and their creator is notified of their death.

Command Servants What use are minions if you cannot command them? The Reaper can give simple directions to places or targets within their LOS to their Rot Drones, and their behaviours consist of the following;

The Reaper has the following stats: Health: 650 Armor: 0 Plasma: 500 (regen identical to Carrier) Speed: T3 Explosive Armor: T2 (identical to Carrier) Melee: 30 (T2 + T4)

Alongside the main course are some smaller changes, primarily ones that were originally done and used by the OG Reaper PR's that, while unused by me here, would allow for greater flexibility with xenos in the future. The changes are;

Explain why it's good for the game

Hivelord and Carrier lack a T3, which is sad, and T3 lacks much of a support-focused caste beyond Praetorian's different strains. The Reaper's sprites looked amazing (credit to Wei/Sleepynecrons for originally making them), and they deserve to be seen by all. We don't have any minion-oriented caste, so this can provide legwork for a more complicated, dedicated minion-caste xenos in the future.

The extra ability modularity is good for futureproofing. The Queen change is QOL and makes building as un-ovi'd Queen significantly less awkward than it is for literally every other builder. Finally, hostile simplemobs ignoring armor when damaging people should be no bueno no matter how unused they may have been (until now).


Testing Photographs and Procedure

Alas my laptop sucks to bad for video, and screenshots wouldn't do it justice beyond showing Wei's gorgeous spritework.


:cl: Killfish, Geeves, sleepynecrons, ThePiachu add: Adds new T3 Xenomorph called the Reaper, evolving from Hivelord and Carrier. Almost entirely support xeno able to create and order around dumb pseudo-zombie drones. balance: Lets un-ovi'd Queens build normally instead of jankily. balance: Makes simple mobs that can attack people respect armor. Long live Dumbrav, destroyer of Marines. imageadd: Reaper and Reaper-related sprites. /:cl:

TheKillfish commented 5 days ago

After brief discussion on Discord, Meat Shield will be going to the shadowrealm, and it's probably going to be replaced with a hallucination ability yoinked from Shaman Rework from a while ago

Butlerblock commented 5 days ago

How will flesh harvest interact with bodies covered by weeds? Since both have the same requirement of being unrevivable.

TheKillfish commented 5 days ago

I did not think of that actually, I will need to check.

Kyogon commented 1 day ago

I did not think of that actually, I will need to check.

An easy solution would be to make it so weed covering bodies waits until 2x perma time passes. So if a body goes unrevivable in 5 minutes, make it so weeds cover it in 10?

Maybe once the body goes unrevivable, it can begin a timer for 5-10 minutes, and after the timer the body can be covered by weeds. That should give ample time for the limbs to be collected.