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Discussion for v5+ of skims #4

Open sam-may opened 3 years ago

sam-may commented 3 years ago

Thread for discussing details on v5+ of the skims

sam-may commented 3 years ago

Content: would be useful to have two versions of next skims:

  1. Diphoton preselection + 1 lep/tau
  2. Diphoton preselection

Skims with the diphoton preselection only will be useful for studying data-driven background descriptions, and will also allow us to explore other things like boosted ggbb. @leonardogiannini , is this much more extra work than commenting out a few lines for the tau/lepton requirement and resubmitting?


@mhl0116 says he will submit jobs to make nanoAODs for these.


mhl0116 commented 3 years ago

@sam-may did you try something like this:

sam-may commented 3 years ago

@mhl0116 No, have not tried that. Why do we need the entry_start and entry_stop arguments (and how do we know what to set them to)?

Is it the case that gHidx is not valid for all events and these arguments select only the events for which it has valid values?

mhl0116 commented 3 years ago


there could be two usage of it: 1, if a file is too large (containing too many events, say >1e6), we can break it into smaller chunks, and start,stop entry tells the uproot where to pick stuff, and I stole this from nick:

2, if I want to inspect something like 100 events, I can set start=0 and end=100, so it's for quick exploration of event content

this is one feature I was hoping skim v5 can has, turn this index into:

selectedPhotons_*, and each event only has two selectedPhotons, which have passed diphoton pre-selection

mhl0116 commented 3 years ago

wish list for skim v5:

1, drop gHidx, instead use format like: selectedPhotons (then each event saved in skim have two selectedPhotons)

2, for diphoton preselection, add pT/mgg_leading > 0.3 and pT/mgg_subleading > 0.25, mgg > 100

3, for leptons and taus, use same format (selectedTaus, selectedMuons, selectedElectrons)

4, save events if passing diphoton preselection + 1 extra loose tau/lepton (e/mu)

5, pair for SVFit calculation

6, other per-event quantities: