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Getting updates only every 15 minutes #12

Closed alanruttenberg closed 1 year ago

alanruttenberg commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure this is a LinkUpConnect issue or whether it is an issue on the side of Abbot's servers. But for some time now, probably since the last update or so, instead of getting updated values every minute I now seem to get them only every 10-15 minutes or so. The debug log shows it doing a query every minute but now many times in a row it returns a value with the same timestamp and same value. After a few minutes (5?) I get the red exclamation mark indicating that a value is old which persists until it manages to get a new reading.

I use this to hook up with xdrip+ and it's made xdrip+ much less useful to monitor trends, as it already lags and with the 15 minute delay between readings it's far enough behind that I find myself frequently opening the libre3 app, which is annoying because it is so slow.

I downloaded my data from libreview to see whether it might be that the libre3 app wasn't sending data as frequently, and it appears not. I don't see any interruption in the usual every 5 minute readings.

Any thoughts appreciated.

cmtjk commented 1 year ago

Hi @alanruttenberg, I can't reproduce the issue and LinkUpConnect works fine on my side. But I remember having the same issue 1-2 times but it got sorted out by itself. LinkUpConnect does nothing special and just passes the data it gets from the API but their might be occassions where the response is cached 🤷‍♂️ I'll mark this issue as invalid for now but please feel free to comment if the issue persists.

alanruttenberg commented 1 year ago

Interestingly there was a change when I changed sensors yesterday. Now I'm getting readings that, at 5 minute granularity, 5,10,20,25,30. In other words enough data to get two samples 5 minutes apart then one with a delay of 10 minutes, repeating. I've no idea why a different sensor would matter. I don't have information more specifically about the frequency at which I get new data from LinkUpConnect. Is there a way to dump the debug log for some period of time?

alanruttenberg commented 1 year ago

It recently became so bad that I invested another effort in researching options and it turned out Juggluco supports the Libre 3 and replaces the Abbott Libre 3 app. Juggluco can also send data to Abbott's servers, and I can use LibreLink and see the values. With that setup there is no delay at all (more than a minute) between the reading happening and LibreLink showing the reading. So there's definitely something in the Abbott chain that is causing the delay. Given that there is no longer latency in LibreLink the suspicion is now on the Abbott Libre 3 app, but I suppose there could also be differences in how Libre 3 and Juggluco apps are interacting with the API.

Juggluco locally broadcasts to xdrip, so I don't need LinkupConnect any more, but I thank the author for the most of a year use I made of it. In case it is of interest, there's also a fork of xdrip ( that updates each minute instead of each 5 minutes. The combination of Juggluco and xdripJH means I can completely avoid Abbott's software and functions vastly better.

alanruttenberg commented 1 year ago

You know a lot more about the details than I do and I appreciate the information and any other insights you can offer. BTW, is Trident a different name for the Libre 3 app, or is it something else? I can relate my experience with the new setup.

So overall it may be "illegal" and "totally wrong" in some senses of the word, but in practice I find the open source solution to be accurate and much more flexible and useful in maintaining my health.