Closed jurplel closed 3 weeks ago
Seeking design feedback.
Implemented on eliminate_limit, not tested with anything yet.
Example expansion:
define_rule!( EliminateLimitRule, apply_eliminate_limit, (Limit, [child], [skip, fetch]) );
// Recursive expansion of define_rule! macro // ========================================== pub struct EliminateLimitRule { matcher:RuleMatcher<DfNodeType>, } impl EliminateLimitRule { pub fn new() -> Self { #[allow(unused_imports)] use DfNodeType::*; let mut pick_num = 0; let matcher = RuleMatcher::MatchNode { typ:Limit,children:(<[_]>::into_vec(#[rustc_box] alloc::boxed::Box::new([(RuleMatcher::PickOne { pick_to:{ let x = pick_num; pick_num+=1; x }, })]))),predicates:(<[_]>::into_vec(#[rustc_box] alloc::boxed::Box::new([(RuleMatcher::PickPred),(RuleMatcher::PickPred)]))), }; let _ = pick_num; Self { matcher } } } pub struct EliminateLimitRulePicks { pub child:PlanNodeOrGroup<DfNodeType>,pub skip:ArcPredNode<DfNodeType>,pub fetch:ArcPredNode<DfNodeType>, } impl <O:Optimizer<DfNodeType>>Rule<DfNodeType,O>for EliminateLimitRule { fn matcher(&self) -> &RuleMatcher<DfNodeType>{ &self.matcher } fn apply(&self,optimizer: &O,mut input:HashMap<usize,PlanNodeOrGroup<DfNodeType>>,mut pred_input:HashMap<usize,ArcPredNode<DfNodeType>>,) -> Vec<PlanNode<DfNodeType>>{ let child:PlanNodeOrGroup<DfNodeType>; ; let skip:ArcPredNode<DfNodeType>; ; let fetch:ArcPredNode<DfNodeType>; ; ; let mut pick_num = 0; let mut pred_pick_num = 0; { child = input.remove(&pick_num).unwrap(); pick_num+=1; }; { skip = pred_input.remove(&pred_pick_num).unwrap(); pred_pick_num+=1; }; { fetch = pred_input.remove(&pred_pick_num).unwrap(); pred_pick_num+=1; }; ; let res; res = pub struct EliminateLimitRulePicks { child,skip,fetch, }; let _ = pick_num; apply_eliminate_limit(optimizer,res) } fn name(&self) -> &'static str { "eliminate_limit_rule" } fn is_impl_rule(&self) -> bool { false } }
Seeking design feedback.
Implemented on
, not tested with anything yet.Example expansion: