cmu-delphi / covidcast-indicators

Back end for producing indicators and loading them into the COVIDcast API.
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`"chng"` `"smoothed_adj_outpatient_flu"` surprisingly has negative-version-lag data #1748

Open brookslogan opened 1 year ago

brookslogan commented 1 year ago

Actual Behavior:

"chng" "smoothed_adj_outpatient_flu" surprisingly has data with time_value > the as_of, but docs do not mention containing forecasts, and metadata suggests there should not be (related?).

#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
api = covidcast_epidata()
ak_chng_flu_as_of_20220901 =
  api$sources$chng$signals$smoothed_adj_outpatient_flu$call("state", "ak", epirange(12340101,34560101), as_of=20220901) %>%
#> [1] "2020-02-01" "2022-11-05"
ccm = covidcast::covidcast_meta()
ccm %>%
  filter(data_source == "chng", signal=="smoothed_adj_outpatient_flu", geo_type=="state") %>%
  select(min_lag, max_lag)
#> A `covidcast_meta` data frame with 1 rows and 2 columns.
#> Number of data sources : 0
#> Number of signals      : 0
#>   min_lag max_lag
#> 1       5     674

Created on 2023-01-02 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

Brief analysis in "Context:" below suggests that this may be limited to the 2022-09-01 issue, but I have not confirmed this rigorously.

Expected behavior

I expected the documentation to mention forecasts, or to not to produce time_values greater than the as_of for any as_of


Potentially-related issues:

I ran into this originally when trying to do some revision behavior analysis on some hhs and chng influenza data. Work towards analysis included below, which may help find where/when all these negative-version-lag data are:

Analysis: ``` r library(epidatr) library(epiprocess) #> #> Attaching package: 'epiprocess' #> The following object is masked from 'package:stats': #> #> filter library(data.table) library(tibble) library(dplyr) #> #> Attaching package: 'dplyr' #> The following objects are masked from 'package:data.table': #> #> between, first, last #> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': #> #> filter, lag #> The following objects are masked from 'package:base': #> #> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union library(tidyr) library(ggplot2) states_dc_pr_vi = c('al', 'ak', 'az', 'ar', 'ca', 'co', 'ct', 'dc', 'de', 'fl', 'ga', 'hi', 'id', 'il', 'in', 'ia', 'ks', 'ky', 'la', 'me', 'md', 'ma', 'mi', 'mn', 'ms', 'mo', 'mt', 'ne', 'nv', 'nh', 'nj', 'nm', 'ny', 'nc', 'nd', 'oh', 'ok', 'or', 'pa', 'ri', 'sc', 'sd', 'tn', 'tx', 'ut', 'vt', 'va', 'wa', 'wv', 'wi', 'wy', 'pr', 'vi') # devtools::load_all(here::here("code","direction.forecaster"), export_all=FALSE) fetch_updating_resource = function(fetch, check_response, cache_file_prefix=NULL, cache_invalidation_period=as.difftime(1L, units="days"), force_cache_invalidation=FALSE, silent=FALSE, make_ancestor_directories=TRUE ) { cache_filepath = if (is.null(cache_file_prefix)) { NULL } else { paste0(cache_file_prefix, ".RDS") } should_fetch_now = if (is.null(cache_filepath)) { TRUE } else if (force_cache_invalidation) { TRUE } else if (!file.exists(cache_filepath)) { TRUE } else { fetch_info = readRDS(cache_filepath) # ==> fetch_info should_refetch = difftime(Sys.time(), fetch_info$fetch_timestamp) > cache_invalidation_period should_refetch } if (should_fetch_now) { if (!silent) { message("No cache, empty cache, expired cache, or forced cache invalidation; fetching data.") } # todo prompt for confirmation on fetch/refetch # todo option to read from cache without considering refetch # # `Sys.time()` outputs a POSIXct, which tracks the time elapsed since some # epoch, paired with timezone metadata. Arithmetic should still reliably # work even with timezone changes (including DST), while likely providing # for quicker debugging for users that don't switch timezones frequently. fetch_response <- fetch() fetch_timestamp <- Sys.time() } else { if (!silent) { message("Cached version of data used.") } fetch_response = fetch_info$fetch_response fetch_timestamp = fetch_info$fetch_timestamp } check_response(fetch_response) if (!is.null(cache_filepath) && should_fetch_now) { ## Update cache: fetch_info = list(fetch_response=fetch_response, fetch_timestamp=fetch_timestamp) if (make_ancestor_directories && !dir.exists(dirname(cache_filepath))) { dir.create(dirname(cache_filepath), recursive=TRUE) } saveRDS(fetch_info, cache_filepath) } return (fetch_response) } response_to_archive = function(response) { response %>% unite(source_signal, c(source, signal)) %>% rename(version = issue) %>% pivot_wider(id_cols=c(geo_value, time_value, version), names_from=source_signal, values_from=value) %>% as_epi_archive(compactify=TRUE) } fetch_updating_covidcast_archive = function(data_source, signal) { fetch_updating_resource( function() { covidcast(data_source, signal, "day", "state", epirange(12340101, 34560101), "*", issues = epirange(12340101, as.integer(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y%m%d")))) %>% fetch_tbl() %>% filter(.data$geo_value %in% .env$states_dc_pr_vi) }, function(response) { if (!is_tibble(response)) { abort("result was not a tibble") } if (nrow(response) == 0L) { abort("result had no rows") } }, cache_file_prefix = here::here("cache","issue-data", paste0(data_source, "_", signal)) ) %>% response_to_archive() } archive_hhs_confirmed_admissions_influenza_1d_prop_7dav = fetch_updating_covidcast_archive("hhs", "confirmed_admissions_influenza_1d_prop_7dav") %>% # filter out some bad data for time_values before reporting became mandatory # the first time; not sure exactly when influenza reporting compliance was # broadly achieved, but this is better than nothing: { new_min_time_value = .$DT[! & hhs_confirmed_admissions_influenza_1d_prop_7dav != 0L & geo_value != "nv", min(time_value)] .$DT <- .$DT[.$DT$time_value >= new_min_time_value, names(.$DT), with=FALSE] . } #> No cache, empty cache, expired cache, or forced cache invalidation; fetching data. archive_chng_smoothed_adj_outpatient_flu = fetch_updating_covidcast_archive("chng", "smoothed_adj_outpatient_flu") #> No cache, empty cache, expired cache, or forced cache invalidation; fetching data. archive = epix_merge(archive_hhs_confirmed_admissions_influenza_1d_prop_7dav, archive_chng_smoothed_adj_outpatient_flu, sync="locf") version_lag_data = archive %>% group_by(geo_value) %>% epix_slide(~ tibble(data=list(.x)), before = 60L) %>% ungroup() %>% transmute(version=time_value, slide_value_data) %>% unnest(slide_value_data) %>% mutate(version_lag = as.integer(version - time_value)) %>% pivot_longer(c("hhs_confirmed_admissions_influenza_1d_prop_7dav","chng_smoothed_adj_outpatient_flu"), names_to="signal") # version_lag_data %>% # inner_join( # {.} %>% # filter(version_lag == 60L) %>% # select(-version_lag) %>% # rename(anchor = value), # by = c("signal", "geo_value", "time_value") # ) version_lag_data %>% distinct(version_lag) %>% print(n=200L) #> # A tibble: 126 × 1 #> version_lag #> #> 1 60 #> 2 59 #> 3 58 #> 4 57 #> 5 56 #> 6 55 #> 7 54 #> 8 53 #> 9 52 #> 10 51 #> 11 50 #> 12 49 #> 13 48 #> 14 47 #> 15 46 #> 16 45 #> 17 44 #> 18 43 #> 19 42 #> 20 41 #> 21 40 #> 22 39 #> 23 38 #> 24 37 #> 25 36 #> 26 35 #> 27 34 #> 28 33 #> 29 32 #> 30 31 #> 31 30 #> 32 29 #> 33 28 #> 34 27 #> 35 26 #> 36 25 #> 37 24 #> 38 23 #> 39 22 #> 40 21 #> 41 20 #> 42 19 #> 43 18 #> 44 17 #> 45 16 #> 46 15 #> 47 14 #> 48 13 #> 49 12 #> 50 11 #> 51 10 #> 52 9 #> 53 8 #> 54 7 #> 55 6 #> 56 5 #> 57 4 #> 58 3 #> 59 2 #> 60 1 #> 61 -6 #> 62 -7 #> 63 -8 #> 64 -9 #> 65 -10 #> 66 -11 #> 67 -12 #> 68 -13 #> 69 -14 #> 70 -15 #> 71 -16 #> 72 -17 #> 73 -18 #> 74 -19 #> 75 -20 #> 76 -21 #> 77 -22 #> 78 -23 #> 79 -24 #> 80 -25 #> 81 -26 #> 82 -27 #> 83 -28 #> 84 -29 #> 85 -30 #> 86 -31 #> 87 -32 #> 88 -33 #> 89 -34 #> 90 -35 #> 91 -36 #> 92 -37 #> 93 -38 #> 94 -39 #> 95 -40 #> 96 -41 #> 97 -42 #> 98 -43 #> 99 -44 #> 100 -45 #> 101 -46 #> 102 -47 #> 103 -48 #> 104 -49 #> 105 -50 #> 106 -51 #> 107 -52 #> 108 -53 #> 109 -54 #> 110 -55 #> 111 -56 #> 112 -57 #> 113 -58 #> 114 -59 #> 115 -60 #> 116 -61 #> 117 -62 #> 118 -63 #> 119 -64 #> 120 -65 #> 121 -5 #> 122 -4 #> 123 -3 #> 124 -2 #> 125 -1 #> 126 0 version_lag_data %>% filter(version_lag == -20L) #> # A tibble: 4,876 × 6 #> version geo_value time_value version_lag signal value #> #> 1 2022-09-01 ak 2022-09-21 -20 hhs_confirmed_admissions… NA #> 2 2022-09-01 ak 2022-09-21 -20 chng_smoothed_adj_outpat… 0.0502 #> 3 2022-09-01 al 2022-09-21 -20 hhs_confirmed_admissions… NA #> 4 2022-09-01 al 2022-09-21 -20 chng_smoothed_adj_outpat… 0.0518 #> 5 2022-09-01 ar 2022-09-21 -20 hhs_confirmed_admissions… NA #> 6 2022-09-01 ar 2022-09-21 -20 chng_smoothed_adj_outpat… 0.0103 #> 7 2022-09-01 az 2022-09-21 -20 hhs_confirmed_admissions… NA #> 8 2022-09-01 az 2022-09-21 -20 chng_smoothed_adj_outpat… 0.0125 #> 9 2022-09-01 ca 2022-09-21 -20 hhs_confirmed_admissions… NA #> 10 2022-09-01 ca 2022-09-21 -20 chng_smoothed_adj_outpat… 0.0212 #> # … with 4,866 more rows archive_chng_smoothed_adj_outpatient_flu$DT[time_value > version] #> geo_value time_value version chng_smoothed_adj_outpatient_flu #> 1: ak 2022-09-07 2022-09-01 0.0498707 #> 2: ak 2022-09-08 2022-09-01 0.0340505 #> 3: ak 2022-09-09 2022-09-01 0.0340368 #> 4: ak 2022-09-10 2022-09-01 0.0257732 #> 5: ak 2022-09-11 2022-09-01 0.0636943 #> --- #> 3176: wy 2022-11-01 2022-09-01 0.1605823 #> 3177: wy 2022-11-02 2022-09-01 0.1884758 #> 3178: wy 2022-11-03 2022-09-01 0.1903627 #> 3179: wy 2022-11-04 2022-09-01 0.2013854 #> 3180: wy 2022-11-05 2022-09-01 0.1508639 ``` Created on 2023-01-02 by the [reprex package]( (v2.0.1)


krivard commented 1 year ago

That is definitely not the expected behavior and suggests we flubbed a data patch -- that's the only way I can think of that a reference date exceeding the issue date would be possible.

It is extra-weird that metadata does not report a negative min lag.

Looking into this now; thanks for the report

krivard commented 1 year ago

Looks like there was indeed a bad patch. The following issues were affected:

About 2M rows in the database will need to be pulled. I'm going to prototype that first to see if we'll need to do anything complicated to get that done in production without making a mess.