cmu-delphi / epidatr

Delphi Epidata API R Client
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ci: add build to document.yaml #250

Closed dshemetov closed 6 months ago

dshemetov commented 6 months ago

Something (I'm going to guess devtools::build_readme() or some related function) installed a Git Hook into my repo that complained if I did not commit both the md and rmd.

➜  epidatr git:(ds/readme) ✗ git add 
➜  epidatr git:(ds/readme) ✗ git commit -m "as"
README.Rmd and should be both staged
use 'git commit --no-verify' to override this check

So this CI is extra, but I figure it can't hurt. Also this CI will actually push a commit to the branch (before the PR merge), so it's a little more handy.