cmu-rss-lab / rosdiscover-evaluation

Image Creation and Evaluation Infrastructure for ROS Discover
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Husky not recovering twist_marker_server - includes file from another package #61

Open schmerl opened 2 years ago

schmerl commented 2 years ago

Here is (I think) an interesting case in husky. The launch file we have launches twist_marker_server from /ros_ws/src/husky/husky_control/launch/control.launch. This loads the node that is represented by the source: /ros_ws/src/interactive_marker_twist_server/src/marker_server.cpp. This calls the constructor server("twist_marker_server") that is included from another package: interactive_markers. This is a call to the code in /ros_ws/src/interactive_markers/src/interactive_marker_server.cpp that we could recover. Currently the recovery doesn't include this - is this a CMake processing error on my part for not including it among the places to look for source files?

ChrisTimperley commented 2 years ago

Hey. This is a limitation with the current analysis. This is a slightly harder case of third-party API calls. Whereas for packages like TF, etc., we can write a set of models for certain API calls, for these packages, we need to extract summaries for DLLs (in the correct order) and then use those summaries when recovering models for binaries that use those same DLLs.

schmerl commented 2 years ago

Right. If I look at the CMakeLists.txt, we have:


find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS



add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} src/marker_server)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${catkin_LIBRARIES})

I suspect the include files for interactive_markers are being added to ${catkin_INCLUDES} in this magic, and we would want to add those to the source scope.

ChrisTimperley commented 2 years ago

We only need the translation units for C++ recovery. The header files (provided by ${catkin_INCLUDES}) are given to us for free by compile_commands.json