cmu-sei / pharos

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Consistency checks failed in ooprolog. #240

Closed kristof-mattei closed 1 year ago

kristof-mattei commented 2 years ago
reasonForwardAsManyTimesAsPossible complete.
Entering stage 'Initial reasoning complete'.
Consistency checks failed.
Class 0x7ed10c inherits from 0x7e528c at offsets 0 and 0x58
Initial sanity check failed, indicating the OO rules are incorrect.
Please report this failure to the Pharos developers!
  [29] prolog_stack:get_prolog_backtrace(100,[frame(29,clause(<clause>(0x5653afe10bf0),6),_264821938)|_264821926],[goal_term_depth(100)]) at /usr/local/lib/swipl/library/
  [28] throw_with_backtrace(error(system_error(initialSanityChecks))) at /usr/local/share/pharos/prolog/oorules/
  [26] solve_internal at /usr/local/share/pharos/prolog/oorules/
  [25] catch(user:solve_internal,_264822162,user:((_264822230=error(resource_error(private_table_space),_264822244)->complain_table_space(ooscript);_264822294=error(resource_error(stack),_264822308)->complain_stack_size(ooscript);true),throw(_264822340))) at /usr/local/lib/swipl/boot/
  [24] solve(ooscript) at /usr/local/share/pharos/prolog/oorules/
  [23] psolve_no_halt('<garbage_collected>') at /usr/local/share/pharos/prolog/oorules/
  [22] catch(user:psolve_no_halt(stream(<stream>(0x5653afe3c3c0))),_264822514,user:(print_message(error,_264822580),(globalHalt->halt(1);true))) at /usr/local/lib/swipl/boot/
  [21] catch_with_backtrace('<garbage_collected>','<garbage_collected>','<garbage_collected>') at /usr/local/lib/swipl/boot/
  [20] run_with_backtrace('<garbage_collected>') at /usr/local/bin/ooprolog:177
  [19] <meta call>
  [18] with_output_to(<stream>(0x5653affa7490),run_with_backtrace(psolve_no_halt(stream(<stream>(0x5653afe3c3c0))))) <foreign>
  [17] setup_call_catcher_cleanup(user:(var('/to_analyze/')->open_null_stream(<stream>(0x5653affa7490));open('/to_analyze/',write,<stream>(0x5653affa7490))),user:with_output_to(<stream>(0x5653affa7490),run_with_backtrace(psolve_no_halt(stream(<stream>(0x5653afe3c3c0))))),_264822932,user:close(<stream>(0x5653affa7490))) at /usr/local/lib/swipl/boot/
  [15] setup_call_catcher_cleanup(user:open('/to_analyze/',read,<stream>(0x5653afe3c3c0)),user:setup_call_cleanup((var('/to_analyze/')->open_null_stream(<stream>(0x5653affa7490));open('/to_analyze/',write,<stream>(0x5653affa7490))),with_output_to(<stream>(0x5653affa7490),run_with_backtrace(psolve_no_halt(stream(<stream>(0x5653afe3c3c0))))),close(<stream>(0x5653affa7490))),_264823142,user:close(<stream>(0x5653afe3c3c0))) at /usr/local/lib/swipl/boot/
  [12] run([script('/usr/local/bin/ooprolog'),json(_264823420),ground(_264823440),rtti(true),guess(true),config(_264823500),stacklimit(200000000000),tablespace(200000000000),oorulespath(_264823560),halt(true),load_only(false),help(_264823620),facts('/to_analyze/'),results('/to_analyze/'),loglevel(6)]) at /usr/local/bin/ooprolog:235
   [9] catch(user:main(['/usr/local/bin/ooprolog','--facts','/to_analyze/','--results','/to_analyze/','--log-level=6']),_264823744,user:(print_message(error,_264823874),halt(1))) at /usr/local/lib/swipl/boot/
   [7] catch(user:main,_264823948,'$toplevel':true) at /usr/local/lib/swipl/boot/
   [6] catch_with_backtrace('<garbage_collected>','<garbage_collected>','<garbage_collected>') at /usr/local/lib/swipl/boot/

Note: some frames are missing due to last-call optimization.
Re-run your program in debug mode (:- debug.) to get more detail.
ERROR: /to_analyze/
ERROR:    Unknown message: error(system_error(initialSanityChecks))


$ partition --serialize=/to_analyze/gamemd.ser --maximum-memory=19000 --no-semantics /to_analyze/gamemd.exe
$ ooanalyzer --serialize=/to_analyze/gamemd.ser --maximum-memory=19000 --no-semantics --prolog-facts=/to_analyze/ --per-function-timeout=60 --delete-method=0x7C8B3D --new-method=0x7c8e17 /to_analyze/gamemd.exe
$ ooprolog --facts /to_analyze/ --results /to_analyze/ --log-level=6 > /to_analyze/output.log

Let me know what I can execute to help to get more info!

sei-eschwartz commented 2 years ago

Could you provide the file? It's hard to do much without this.

It would also be helpful to have gamemd.exe

kristof-mattei commented 2 years ago


sei-eschwartz commented 2 years ago

Thank you. Do you know approximately how long it took to reach the problem?

sei-eschwartz commented 2 years ago

Nevermind, I was able to reproduce it!

sei-eschwartz commented 2 years ago

Contradictory information about constructor: factConstructor(0x4770e0) but reasonNOTConstructor(0x4770e0)

% Because we see that a base class constructor is called before a vftable is installed.
reasonConstructor(Method) :-
    certainConstructorOrDestructorInheritanceSpecialCase(Method, constructor),
    logtraceln('~@~Q.', [not(factConstructor(Method)), reasonConstructor_D(Method)]).
% Because we see a base class destructor is called after a vftable is installed.
reasonNOTConstructor_I(Method) :-
    certainConstructorOrDestructorInheritanceSpecialCase(Method, destructor),
    logtraceln('~@~Q.', [not(factNOTConstructor(Method)),

So... that's weird. certainConstructorOrDestructorInheritanceSpecialCase is supposed to distinguish between constructors and destructors, not trigger for both!

sei-eschwartz commented 2 years ago

This is the thisptr of that method:

funcParameter(0x4770e0, ecx, sv_2291049953129467751).

The problem is that there are multiple method calls:

callParameter(0x4773cb, 0x4770e0, ecx, sv_2291049953129467751).
callParameter(0x477413, 0x4770e0, ecx, sv_2291049953129467751).

The VFTable write is at 0x4773d9, which falls in between. In reality, only 0x4773d9 and 0x4773cb are in the same block. This suggests that the call is first, and so this is a constructor.

Anyway, the solution is to make sure there are not multiple method calls. I have a branch here that I am testing:

sei-eschwartz commented 2 years ago

Another problem.

Consistency checks failed.
Contradictory information about merging classes: Method1=0x7ef7f0 Method2=0x7e5c24
      1 reasonMergeClasses_K(0x7e5c24, 0x7ef7f0, 0x628df0).
      1 reasonNOTMergeClasses_I(0x81f240, 0x836478, 0x7e5c24, 0x7ef7f0).
% If two methods are present on the same object, and we know neither method's class has a base
% class, the methods must be on the same object.
reasonMergeClasses_K(Class1, Class2) :-

% Because RTTI tells us that they're different classes.
reasonNOTMergeClasses_I(Class1, Class2) :-
sei-eschwartz commented 2 years ago
rTTINoBaseName(0x81f240, '.?AV?$VectorClass@PAD@@')
rTTINoBaseName(0x836478, '.?AV?$VectorClass@VHSVClass@@@@').

.?AV?$VectorClass@VHSVClass@@@@ class VectorClass<class HSVClass>
.?AV?$VectorClass@PAD@@ class VectorClass<near char *>

So there are two template instantiations. I haven't looked yet, but I bet 0x628df0 is a method on the class that doesn't depend on the template arguments.

sei-eschwartz commented 2 years ago

The problem seems to be in function 0x626c60. It appears to call new on two different objects. For some reason, we don't assign a symbolic value to the return of new. You can see this here in the facts:

insnCallsNew(0x626c70, 0x626c60, invalid).
insnCallsNew(0x626c8c, 0x626c60, invalid).
insnCallsNew(0x626cc8, 0x626c60, invalid).
insnCallsNew(0x626cfa, 0x626c60, invalid).
insnCallsNew(0x626d1e, 0x626c60, invalid).

Here are some other facts that imply we're doing stuff to the same object, but actually these are for separate heap allocations:

callParameter(0x626ca0, 0x626c60, ecx, sv_6655002938392236482).
callParameter(0x626cdc, 0x626c60, ecx, sv_6655002938392236482).

So this is a fact problem. This is where I usually reach out to @sei-ccohen for help. I'm not sure why this would happen. Is it possible that you hit a memory or time limit on function 0x626c60?

kristof-mattei commented 2 years ago

Let me re-run with more time! Memory is harder, but I can fire up a VM in the cloud.

sei-eschwartz commented 2 years ago

I just wanted to say we're still looking into this. It doesn't seem to be a resource issue. But rather, functions are not being analyzed in the order that we expected.

kristof-mattei commented 2 years ago

@sei-eschwartz I really appreciate it. Let me know if I need to rerun stuff.

edmcman commented 2 years ago

@sei-mwd made some progress. For some reason, Pharos thinks that there are out going function calls from memcpy, when there does not appear to be. This results in a cycle, which we break in an inconvenient way and causes the problem you are encountering. The next question is why are we getting these (invalid) out going function calls?

edmcman commented 2 years ago

Specifically, Pharos thinks that memcpy (0x7ca090) calls function 0x44acf0.

sei-eschwartz commented 2 years ago

This problem appears to be present in stock ROSE too.

Note the edge from 0x7ca252 to 0x498d00 which looks pretty suspicious to me. I don't even think 0x498d00 is an aligned instruction.

sei-eschwartz commented 2 years ago

0x7ca252 appears to use a jump table, but it's a little bit odd because the index is negated. IDA actually gets confused and says there is only one switch case. ROSE does better, but unfortunately fails to detect the end (the lowest address) of the table, which is at 0x007CA304. Instead, it looks at 0x7ca300. which contains 00 8D 49 00. According to IDA, the first 00 byte is part of the instruction:

007CA2FA jmp ds:jpt_7CA274[edx*4] ; switch 4 cases

I am not sure what the other three bytes are for. IDA says they are alignment. But if that is so, why wouldn't they be null?

sei-eschwartz commented 2 years ago

8D 49 00 disassembles to lea ecx, [ecx], which is a noop. It doesn't make much sense because immediately following the noop is a code pointer, not code. But maybe it's some anti disassembly attempt?

From Ghidra:

        007ca2fa ff 24 95        JMP        dword ptr [EDX*0x4 + ->switchD_007ca274::caseD_0]                    = 007ca380
                 70 a3 7c 00
                                                      $U2080:4 = INT_MULT EDX, 4:4
                                                      $U2180:4 = INT_ADD 0x7ca370:4, $U2080:4
                                                      $U7a00:4 = LOAD ram($U2180:4)
                                                      BRANCHIND $U7a00:4
        007ca301 8d 49 00        LEA        ECX,[ECX]
                                                      ECX = COPY ECX
        007ca304 24 a3 7c 00     addr       LAB_007ca324
        007ca308 2c a3 7c 00     addr       LAB_007ca32c
        007ca30c 34 a3 7c 00     addr       LAB_007ca334
        007ca310 3c a3 7c 00     addr       LAB_007ca33c
        007ca314 44 a3 7c 00     addr       LAB_007ca344
        007ca318 4c a3 7c 00     addr       LAB_007ca34c
        007ca31c 54 a3 7c 00     addr       LAB_007ca354
sei-eschwartz commented 2 years ago

The ROSE maintainer says that he has fixed this internally, and will be pushing the fix out soon.

kristof-mattei commented 2 years ago

Awesome. I'll wait for the fix and re-try.

sei-eschwartz commented 1 year ago

It looks like this finally went live

sei-mwd commented 1 year ago

Yes, the necessary change made it into ROSE, but we can't test it yet because some other API changes are needed before Pharos can be compiled against the ROSE tip again. (Specifically, Engine needs its constructors to be protected rather than private.) The ROSE devs know this, but it hasn't made it to Github yet.

kristof-mattei commented 1 year ago

@sei-eschwartz thanks for the update @sei-mwd thanks! Looking for the updated release!