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growth hormone treatment #107

Open cmungall opened 10 years ago

cmungall commented 10 years ago

current name and definition: growth hormone regimen (EO:0007165):The treatment involving use of growth hormones to study various types of responses on their extrinsic and/or intrinsic application.

Proposed new name and definition: growth hormone treatment (EO:0007165): A chemical treatment (EO:0007189) involving the use of growth hormones to study various types of responses on their extrinsic and/or intrinsic application.

Original comment by: lauramooray66

cmungall commented 10 years ago

Current children of growth hormone treatment:

abscisic acid regimen (EO:0007105): Treatment involving the use of abscisic acid (or its homolog) growth hormone to study various types of responses on its extrinsic and/or intrinsic application.

Proposed new name and definition: -abscisic acid treatment (EO:0007105): A growth hormone treatment (EO:0007165) involving the use of abscisic acid (or its homolog) growth hormone to study various types of responses on its extrinsic and/or intrinsic application.

auxin regimen (EO:0007074): Treatment involving the use of auxin (or its homolog) growth hormone to study various types of responses on its extrinsic and/or intrinsic application.

Proposed new name and definition: -auxin treatment (EO:0007074): A growth hormone treatment (EO:0007165) involving the use of auxin (or its homolog) growth hormone to study various types of responses on its extrinsic and/or intrinsic application.

brassinosteroid (EO:0007409): no definition

Proposed new name and definition: -brassinosteroid treatment (EO:0007409): A growth hormone treatment (EO:0007165) involving the use of brassinosteriod (or its homolog) growth hormone to study various types of responses on its extrinsic and/or intrinsic application.

cytokinin regimen (EO:0007066): Treatment involving the use of cytokinin (or its homolog) growth hormone to study various types of responses on its extrinsic and/or intrinsic application.

Proposed new name and definition: -cytokinin treatment (EO:0007066): A growth hormone treatment (EO:0007165) involving the use of cytokinin (or its homolog) growth hormone to study various types of responses on its extrinsic and/or intrinsic application.

ethylene regimen (EO:0007068): Treatment involving the use of ethylene (or its homolog) growth hormone to study various types of responses on its extrinsic and/or intrinsic application.

Proposed new name and definition: -ethylene treatment (EO:0007068): A growth hormone treatment (EO:0007165) involving the use of ethylene (or its homolog) growth hormone to study various types of responses on its extrinsic and/or intrinsic application.

gibberellic acid regimen (EO:0007069): Treatment involving the use of GA (or its homolog) growth hormone to study various types of responses on its extrinsic and/or intrinsic application.

Proposed new name and definition: -gibberellic acid treatment (EO:0007069): A growth hormone treatment (EO:0007165) involving the use of GA (or its homolog) growth hormone to study various types of responses on its extrinsic and/or intrinsic application.

jasmonic acid regimen (EO:0007080): Treatment involving the use of JA (or its homolog) growth hormone to study various types of responses on its extrinsic and/or intrinsic application.

Proposed new name and definition: -jasmonic acid treatment (EO:0007080): A growth hormone treatment (EO:0007165) involving the use of JA (or its homolog) growth hormone to study various types of responses on its extrinsic and/or intrinsic application.

Original comment by: lauramooray66

cmungall commented 10 years ago

Current children of auxin treatment:

1-naphthaleneacetic acid (EO:0007204): The treatment involving use of 1-naphthaleneacetic acid growth hormone/herbicide to study various types of responses on its extrinsic and/or intrinsic application.

Proposed new name and definition: 1-naphthaleneacetic acid treatment (EO:0007204): An auxin treatment (EO:0007074) involving use of 1-naphthaleneacetic acid growth hormone/herbicide to study various types of responses on its extrinsic and/or intrinsic application.

2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (EO:0007180): The treatment involving use of 2,4-D growth hormone/herbicide to study various types of responses on its extrinsic and/or intrinsic application.

Proposed new name and definition: 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid treatment (EO:0007180): An auxin treatment (EO:0007074) involving use of 2,4-D growth hormone/herbicide to study various types of responses on its extrinsic and/or intrinsic application.

indole acetic acid regimen (EO:0007070):Treatment involving the use of IAA (or its homolog) growth hormone to study various types of responses on its extrinsic and/or intrinsic application.

Proposed new name and definition: indole acetic acid treatment (EO:0007070): An auxin treatment (EO:0007074) involving the use of IAA (or its homolog) growth hormone to study various types of responses on its extrinsic and/or intrinsic application.

Original comment by: lauramooray66

cmungall commented 10 years ago

Current children of cytokinin treatment:

benzyladenine regimen (EO:0007291): It is a first-generation synthetic cytokinin which elicits plant growth and development responses, setting blossoms and stimulating fruit richness by stimulating cell division. It is an inhibitor of respiratory kinase in plants, and increases post-harvest life of green vegetables.

Moved definition to comment

Proposed name and definition: benzyladenine treatment (EO:0007291): A cytokinin treatment (EO:0007066) involving use of benzyladenine a cytokinin homolog to study various types of responses on its extrinsic and/or intrinsic application.

kinetin regimen (EO:0007290): The treatment involving use of kinetin, a cytokinin homolog to study various types of responses on its extrinsic and/or intrinsic application.

Proposed name and definition: kinetin treatment (EO:0007290): A cytokinin treatment (EO:0007066) involving use of kinetin, a cytokinin homolog to study various types of responses on its extrinsic and/or intrinsic application.

Original comment by: lauramooray66