cmusphinx / g2p-seq2seq

G2P with Tensorflow
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Tutorial for translation using seq2seq api. #82

Closed PratsBhatt closed 7 years ago

PratsBhatt commented 7 years ago

I did find a wiki page describing the translation problem and experiences using seq2seq. Can this code be made available to do a dry run? Thanks for the info. Nice work!

nshmyrev commented 7 years ago

Not sure which code are you looking for, you need to explain more.

PratsBhatt commented 7 years ago

Thank you so much for your prompt reply. If you see the link You would find a wiki page explaining a translation problem (English to French) by William Darling. In this wiki he has shared his experiences but I am looking for the code or tutorial to reproduce the results mentioned by him.

nshmyrev commented 7 years ago

I do not think it is related to our project.

PratsBhatt commented 7 years ago

Oh, this wiki is in the CNTK project isn't it? I am confused. Sorry!