cmv / cmv-app

CMV - The Configurable Map Viewer - A community supported open source mapping framework built with the Esri JavaScript API and the Dojo Toolkit
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BUG? - LayerControl doesn´t show all simbology #979

Open adrianrb opened 3 years ago

adrianrb commented 3 years ago

How often can you reproduce it?


Simbology created as "All other values" in arcmap doesn´t shows (see PDF attached). CMV - BUGs 'Outro - Não Informado'.pdf

Steps to reproduce:

Not possible, just added feature widget in viewer.js - nothing special (bellow). No error in browser debug (F12).

        operationalLayers: [
            // ######## Camadas para edição (FeatureServer) ########
            type: 'feature',
            url: util.Config.url_arcgis + '/GSV_DSV/FeatureServer/0',
            title: 'Caixa de emenda',
            options: {
                id: 'caixa_emenda',
                opacity: 1.0,
                visible: true,
                outFields: ['*'],
                mode: 1 // FeatureLayer.MODE_ONDEMAND (deve ser ser este valor)
            editorLayerInfos: {
                disableGeometryUpdate: false
            legendLayerInfos: {

            identifyLayerInfos: {

            layerControlLayerInfos: {

            type: 'feature',
            url: util.Config.url_arcgis + '/GSV_DSV/FeatureServer/1',
            title: 'Lance de cabo',
            options: {
                id: 'lance_cabo',
                opacity: 1.0,
                visible: true,
                outFields: ['*'],
                mode: 1 // FeatureLayer.MODE_ONDEMAND (deve ser ser este valor)
            editorLayerInfos: {
                disableGeometryUpdate: false
            legendLayerInfos: {

            identifyLayerInfos: {

            layerControlLayerInfos: {


Expected results:

Same as Arcmap and Arcgis Online (see PDF).

Actual results:

See PDF.


Software Version
CMV Version not found (downloaded from github ~ 12/15/2020)
Browser Chrome
Operating system Windows 10 Pro