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Brain functions and waveform division? #1

Open cmy2022 opened 9 months ago

cmy2022 commented 9 months ago

大脑神经元数量众多。神经元是大脑活动的基本单位,一个神经元由胞体、轴突和树突组成。人脑中有 1000 亿个神经元,其数量超过银河系星星的数量。所以研究人体大脑需要详细地分区并收集不同脑分区的脑电波信号予以波形分类。不同的神经元在放电模式、编码模式、以及信息处理方式上各不相同。此外,大脑不同的神经元和突触之间的联结并不是一成不变的。事实上,学习和经验积累可能会在神经元之间建立新的联结。因此,想要彻底认识大脑中所有神经元的结构和功能极其困难。大脑包括约1000亿个神经元,仅大脑皮层神经元就有140亿个,它们之间相互连接成复杂的神经网络。脑电信号是指大脑在活动时,大量的神经元同步发生的电信号通过脑组织内的体液传导到大脑皮层的高频脑电信号(Spike),在不同脑部分区内形成不同的局部场电位(LFP),信号形成主要来源于锥体细胞树突的突触后电位。由于大脑不同分区之间可进行电信号互联,电极的阻抗值低,未滤波前的信号包含了大量的神经元电活动的信息,其中包含了离电极尖端50-350um范围内神经元动作电位的总和及0.5-3mm内慢粒子事件引起的电信号变化总和。局部场电位信号需要使用一个低通滤波器,一般为截止频率300Hz,来去除细胞外Spike信号的成分。


cmy2022 commented 9 months ago

According to the frequency range, the EEG can be divided into frequency bands such as delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma.(根据频段范围的不同,EEG可以划分 δ、θ、α、β、γ 等频段。)

  1. δ(delta)wave:<3.5Hz;
  2. θ(theta)wave:4-7.5Hz;
  3. α(alpha)wave:8-13Hz;
  4. β(beta)wave:14∼30Hz;
  5. γ(gamma)wave:> 30Hz; The definitions and characteristics of different EEG rhythms are as follows:(不同脑电节律的定义及特点如下:)
    • Delta rhythm: EEG bands below 3.5 Hz (usually 0.1-3.5 Hz) are delta rhythms. Infants (large in about 2 months) induced a different delta rhythmic behavior (2-3.5 Hz with an amplitude of 50- 100 μV). Delta rhythms below 3.5 Hz in adults usually occur only during sleep and therefore do not It is suitable for application in brain-computer interface system.(δ 节律: 低于3.5Hz(通常是 0.1-3.5Hz)的 EEG 波段属于 δ 节律。婴儿(大约在2个月内)在行走状态下诱发不同的 δ 节律行为(2-3.5Hz,幅值为 50-100µV)。成年人中低于 3.5Hz 的 δ 节律通常只会出现在睡眠状态下,因此不适合在脑 - 机接口系统中的应用。);
    • Theta Rhythm: Theta Rhythm is usually between 4-7.5 Hz and is important in infancy and childhood. In normal people, theta rhythms usually occur during sleepiness and sleep. In the awake state, EEG contains only a small amount of theta rhythms, among which theta rhythms present in the midfrontal area are associated with some mental activities.(θ 节律:θ 节律通常位于 4-7.5Hz 之间,在婴儿和儿童阶段非常重要。正常人中θ 节律通常发生于困倦和睡眠状态下,在清醒状态下,EEG 只包含少量的 θ 活动的节律,其中出现在额中线区域的 θ 节律和一些精神活动相关。);
    • Alpha Rhythm: The alpha rhythm (8-13 Hz) usually occurs in the back of the brain when awake, and generally has a high amplitude in the occipital region (amplitude below 50 μV), which varies from time to time. Alpha rhythms are most common in closed eyes, rest, and mental relaxation, and are often influenced by visual stimuli and mental state. As children grow up, the frequency of the alpha rhythm also increases, reaching 8 Hz by age 3. Around the age of 10, the frequency increases to about 10 Hz, which is also the average adult rhythm. As you enter old age, the frequency decreases.(α 节律:α 节律(8-13Hz)通常出现在清醒状态下脑后部的区域,一般在枕区具有高幅值(幅值在 50µV 以下),幅值随时变化的。α 节律最常见于闭眼、休息和精神放松状态下,常常受到视觉刺激和精神状态的影响。儿童在成长过程中,α 节律的频率也在增长,3 岁时会增长到 8Hz。在 10 岁左右,频率会增长到大约 10Hz,10Hz 也是成人的平均节律。步入老年阶段后,频率会随之降低。);
    • μ Rhythm: μ Rhythm is usually around 10 Hz, with most amplitudes below 50 μV. Although the frequency and amplitude ranges of μ rhythms are similar to those of alpha rhythms, μ rhythms differ from alpha rhythms in topology and psychological activity. Mu rhythm represents motor activity and is closely related to motor cortex function and is influenced by movement, light, and tactile stimulation. Motion imagination and motor intention can also induce μ rhythm, so μ rhythm is widely used in brain-computer interface technology.(µ 节律:µ 节律通常位于 10Hz 左右,大部分幅值低于 50µV。虽然 µ 节律的频率和幅值范围和 α 节律的频率和幅值范围类似,但是 µ 节律在拓扑结构和心理活动上相比于 α 节律有所不同。µ 节律代表着运动活动,同时和运动皮层功能非常相关,受运动、光线、触觉刺激等影响。运动想象和运动意图同样会诱发µ 节律,因此 µ 节律在脑 - 机接口技术中应用非常广泛。);
    • Beta rhythm: Beta rhythms have a frequency range of 13-30 Hz, with amplitudes rarely higher than 30 μV. Beta rhythms occur primarily in the precentral region of the brain and are often induced by motor activity and tactile stimulation.(β 节律:β 节律的频率范围在 13-30Hz,幅值很少高于 30µV。β 节律主要存在于大脑的前中央区域,常常诱发于运动活动和触觉刺激。);
    • Gamma rhythm: The frequency band range of Gamma rhythm is 30-45 Hz, and the amplitude does not exceed 30 μV under normal conditions. The distribution of Gamma rhythm is mostly concentrated in the frontal lobe and central region.(γ 节律:γ 节律的频带范围为 30-45Hz,振幅在通常情况下不会超过 30µV,其分布多集中在额叶区及中央区。)
cmy2022 commented 9 months ago

The BCI given to motor imagination (MI) is the BCI with sensorimotor rhythm signals as input. Sensorimotor rhythm signals are produced with motion or sensory motion, including μ rhythm (8-12 Hz), β rhythm (18-26 Hz), etc., but mainly μ rhythm. Studies have shown that mu-rhythms on the opposite side of the brain are attenuated when preparing for, imagining, or performing activities, and enhanced when idle, a phenomenon known as event-related de-synchronization (ERD) and event-related synchronization (ERS). ERD/ERS events occur in the frequency range of the mu and beta rhythms that produce the cerebral cortex.(给予运动想象(MI)的BCI是以感觉运动节律信号作为输入的BCI。感觉运动节律信号相伴运动或感知运动产生,包括μ节律(8-12Hz)、β节律(18-26Hz)等,但主要以μ节律为主。研究表明,在进行运动准备、想象或执行活动时,大脑对侧的μ节律会减弱,而在空闲状态时则会增强,这种现象被称为事件相关去同步(ERD)和事件相关同步(ERS)。ERD/ERS事件即出现在产生大脑皮层的μ节律和β节律的频率范围。)

cmy2022 commented 9 months ago


  1. 文献资料分析法:指以研究课题为中心,在搜集大量文献资料的基础上,对符合研究思路要求的文献进行筛选和整理,通过"系统、客观、量化"地分析,得到事实认识的研究方法;
  2. 案例分析法:指通过寻找大量文献中的案例,对新技术在现实生活的应用进行整理,从而对新事物进行探究性的发现;
  3. 跨学科研究法:该方法也称为"交叉研究法",是利用多学科的理论、方法和成果,对一个主题进行综合研究的方法。在对脑机接口的传播影响进行研究的过程中,同时需要借助社会学、未来学、伦理学等相关理论,更广泛和深入地分析脑机接口可能产生的传播影响;
  4. 比较分析法:该研究方法通过对相关类型的事物进行异同点的分析对比,达到对各个事物本质特点的深入认识,从而把握新事物与旧事物之间的区别联系。同时通过该研究方法可以发现新现象、新规律,为事物未来的变化发展做出指引性判断。通过该研究方法可以对脑机接口的传播活动与现有经典传播理论进行对比,可以更明显地发现脑机接口传播活动的特点,为进一步了解该技术提供方法支持;
cmy2022 commented 8 months ago


  1. 《从脑网络到人工智能-类脑计算的机遇与挑战》
  2. 《类脑计算研究简述》