cmy2022 / neural-interface

NCI,NMI,BCI,BMI,and so on
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The significance of neural interfaces to other disciplines? #6

Open cmy2022 opened 9 months ago

cmy2022 commented 9 months ago

With the development of computer hardware and software, brain-computer interface technology has great research significance in many disciplines, such as brain thinking activity decoding, neuroscience and intelligent information processing, disease diagnosis and treatment, emotional monitoring and application, etc.(随着计算机软硬件的发展,脑 - 机接口技术在很多学科领域都有重大的研究意义:脑思维活动解码、神经科学和智能信息处理、疾病诊断和治疗、情绪监测及其应用等。) Brain-computer interface, as an important direction of the development of next generation artificial intelligence, has attracted much attention. Brain-computer interface (BCI) is a new communication and control technology established between human or animal brain and computer or other electronic devices, which does not depend on the conventional brain information output pathway. It is mainly used in the medical field, and its spread trend is as follows:(脑机接口作为下一代人工智能发展的重要方向,备受瞩目。脑机接口是指在人或动物的大脑与计算机或其他电子设备之间建立的不依赖常规大脑信息输出通路的一种全新通讯和控制技术,主要应用在医疗领域,其大有多领域扩散趋势:)

  1. Basic field - medical field: Help patients with impaired motion perception, such as freezing patients, aphasia patients, etc., monitor, replace, restore and enhance their muscle activity in real time. Through this technology, patients can still show the activity ability of normal people by controlling the machine connected with the interface when some organisms are damaged.(基础领域-医疗领域:帮助运动感知功能受损的患者,如渐冻症患者、失语症患者等,实时监测、替代、恢复及增强自身的肌肉活动能力。通过该项技术,可以使患者在部分生物体受到损伤时,仍能借助控制与接口连接的机器,表现出正常人的活动能力);
  2. Brain-computer interface in education: Some schools apply the brain-computer interface "intelligent headband" to classroom learning, which can monitor students' attention in real time based on electroencephalogram signal extraction and analysis, and some can limit time intervals to generate student attention score reports. Warnings can be issued when students are not focused, such as the color change of lights in the head ring. More advanced brain-computer interface products can even enhance cognitive ability in the learning process.(教育领域的脑机接口:一些学校将脑机接口"智能头环"应用于课堂交学,其可以根据脑电信号的提取、分析,实时监测学生的注意力,有的还可以限定时间区间,生成学生注意力分数报告,通过精准地监测,可在学生注意力不集中时发出相应警示,如头环中的灯光换色。更为高级的脑机接口产品甚至还可以达到增强学习过程中认知能力的效果);
  3. Brain-computer interface in the entertainment field: Video games and digital films have gradually developed new products with brain-computer interface technology as a new development opportunity. Richard, May 2018. Ramchuen's short film "The Moment" is viewed in a way that the audience wears an electroencephalograph, and the content of the film - scenes, music and animation - is presented in their minds without even having to open their eyes. Because the brain has provided a "screen" for watching movies. In video games, the same is true. Existing game programs allow 3D game characters to reflect the player's expression: you blink, it blinks; You smile, it smiles. It even allows players to manipulate virtual objects with their minds. The entertainment application of brain-computer interface is indeed a business opportunity in the eyes of capital.(娱乐领域的脑机接口:电子游戏、数字影视逐步以脑机接口技术为新的发展契机,研发出新型产品。2018年5月,理查德.拉姆丘恩发布的短片《那一刻》,其观看过程为,观众头戴脑电图仪,电影的内容--场景、音乐和动画,就会一一在脑海中呈现,观众甚至无须睁开双眼,因为大脑已经为观影提供了一块"屏"。在电子游戏中,亦如是。当前已有游戏程序可以让3D游戏角色反应玩家的表情:你眨眼,它就眨眼;你微笑,它就微笑。甚至还可以让玩家用意念操纵虚拟物体。脑机接口的娱乐化应用确为资本眼中的商机);
  4. Brain-computer interface in the home field: Many smart home system design based on brain-computer interface is accelerating to become a reality. The brain-computer interface infiltrated in the smart home only needs to establish a standard data transmission channel in the information conversion between the brain and the interface, so that the brain can implement data interaction and status management between the home device terminal and the background application, and the user does not need to pay attention to the complicated home wiring. Only need to use "idea" can realize the operation and control of the home.(家居领域的脑机接口:不少基于脑机接口的智能家居系统设计正在加速成为一种现实。渗透在智能家居中的脑机接口,只需在大脑与接口之间的信息转换中建立标准的数据传输通道,就可以实现大脑对家居设备终端和后台应用之间的数据交互和状态管理,用户不再需要理会繁乱的家居布线,仅需要利用"意念"就能实现对家居的操作与控制);
  5. Brain-computer interface in the military field: Since 2010, the United States has launched a research project code-named "Avatar", which uses brain-computer interface technology to enable robots to become "surrogate soldiers" instead of human soldiers to participate in wars. This allows human soldiers to work on dangerous battlefields. Moreover, these robots, remotely controlled by the mind, can become the perfect double for human soldiers, engaged in daily training, guard duty, battlefield fighting and other work.(军事领域的脑机接口:美国从2010年开始,就启动了一项代号为"阿凡达"的研究项目,该研究是通过脑机接口技术让机器人成为人类士兵的"代理士兵"替代参战,从而使人类士兵能够原理危险的战场。并且,这些被意念遥控的机器人可以成为人类士兵的完美替身,从事日常训练、站岗执勤、沙场鏖战等一系列工作);