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NFQueue #3

Open Kedia94 opened 8 years ago

Kedia94 commented 8 years ago

main 함수에서 nfq_handle_packet 으로 패킷을 전달함

int nfq_handle_packet ( struct nfq_handle * h,
                        char * buf,
                        int len  

nfq_handle_packet - handle a packet received from the nfqueue subsystem


Triggers an associated callback for the given packet received from the queue. Packets can be read from the queue using nfq_fd() and recv(). See example code for nfq_fd().


Definition at line 558 of file libnetfilter_queue.c. 참고

전달된 패킷은 cb 함수를 호출하며 cb함수는 nfq_set_verdict 함수를 리턴하면서 종료된다.

*nfa에 패킷이 변환되서 담겨져 오는걸로 보이며, 원하는 행동을 한 다음 nfq_set_verdict 함수를 리턴하여 해당 패킷을 accept 할지 deny 할지 정함

Kedia94 commented 8 years ago
static u_int32_t print_pkt (struct nfq_data *tb)
    int ret;
    char *nf_packet;
    ret = nfq_get_payload(tb, &nf_packet);
    struct iphdr *iph = ((struct iphdr *) nf_packet);
    fprintf(stdout, "IP{v=%u; ihl=%u; tos=%u; tot_len=%u; id=%u; ttl=%u; protocol=%u; "
        ,iph->version, iph->ihl*4, iph->tos, ntohs(iph->tot_len), ntohs(iph->id), iph->ttl, iph->protocol);

    char *saddr = inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&iph->saddr);
    fprintf(stdout,"saddr=%s; ",saddr);

    char *daddr = inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&iph->daddr);
    // if protocol is tcp
    if (iph->protocol == 6){
        // extract tcp header from packet
        /* Calculate the size of the IP Header. iph->ihl contains the number of 32 bit
        words that represent the header size. Therfore to get the number of bytes
        multiple this number by 4 */
        struct tcphdr *tcp = ((struct tcphdr *) (nf_packet + (iph->ihl << 2)));

        /* Calculate the size of the TCP Header. tcp->doff contains the number of 32 bit
        words that represent the header size. Therfore to get the number of bytes
        multiple this number by 4 */
        //int tcphdr_size = (tcp->doff << 2); 

        /* to print the TCP headers, we access the structure defined in tcp.h line 89
        and convert values from hexadecimal to ascii */
        fprintf(stdout, "TCP{sport=%u; dport=%u; seq=%u; ack_seq=%u; flags=u%ua%up%ur%us%uf%u; window=%u; urg=%u}\n",
            ntohs(tcp->source), ntohs(tcp->dest), ntohl(tcp->seq), ntohl(tcp->ack_seq)
            ,tcp->urg, tcp->ack, tcp->psh, tcp->rst, tcp->syn, tcp->fin, ntohs(tcp->window), tcp->urg_ptr);

    // if protocol is udp
    if(iph->protocol == 17){
        struct udphdr *udp = ((struct udphdr *) (nf_packet + (iph->ihl << 2)));
        fprintf(stdout,"UDP{sport=%u; dport=%u; len=%u}\n",
            ntohs(udp->source), ntohs(udp->dest), udp->len);
