in the generated class the problem gets fixed for me. That's a very dirty solution I know! But since I am not a Swift developer I have no clue how to fix it properly, so that the class will be generated correctly. Would be lovely if someone can fix this who is more experienced in Swift than me🪲
This error appears inside the generated 'TikTokURLOpener'. By replacing the function open(...) with
func open(_ url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenExternalURLOptionsKey : Any], completionHandler completion: (@MainActor @Sendable (Bool) -> Void)?)
in the generated class the problem gets fixed for me. That's a very dirty solution I know! But since I am not a Swift developer I have no clue how to fix it properly, so that the class will be generated correctly. Would be lovely if someone can fix this who is more experienced in Swift than me🪲