Closed Kixot14 closed 3 years ago
And can you add feature to slide message on next line in chat? With slash --> \n
Example: This is the \n example message.
Result: This is the example message.
And one more suggestion (Sorry for spam):
Scavenger have feature for disable saving inventory in certain regions. But maybe u can add reverse feature which can always save players inventory for free, in some regions ? (For example, need if you have something like PvP arena without plugins. Just inside WG region...)
And one more =)
Please, change a little format for cost messages. (Every 3 numbers must be separated with a comma, and minor(cents) must be separate from the major with a dot). It's more comfortable!
Example: Now: 13254117,56$ Must be: 13,254,117.56$
Please try latest dev build: You can use %NL% to split messages into multiple lines. The DecimalFormat option will allow you to customize how the currency format looks like. The negative balance issue should be resolved.
Thank for fast reaction. But with that all, work only %NL% token =)
Issue with negative balance still actual, but now if: AddMin: true MinCost: 100$ PercentCost: 1% Your NEGATIVE balance: -10,000$ It will take not 0, it will take 200$ )) Like the negative and positive number of balance is the same. But if you have negative balance, it dont must take any percent. So in this situation must take exact 100$!
2-nd: Good idea with DecimalFormat. But it don't work =( Maybe it's EssentialsX bug, i don't know... Just look at screenshot -> (Decimal format is default: #,###.00) Instead comma - incomprehensible character. Instead dot - default comma.
And what about pvp zone, where scavenger can save inventory for free and ignore ChanceToDrop ? Did you will to add something like that ?
You are correct about the negative percent. I'll adjust it so that negative balance always results in a 0%.
The money format is interesting. What did you set your DecimalFormat option to?
I have not looked into the pvp zone yet.
Oh i think I figured out the money format issue. I'll let you know when there is a new build.
I think i found a new BUG: When item with durability(Like armor) is dropped after player died, that durability is reset. But im not sure. Still testing at this moment...
Just in 4 of 70+ deaths, with enable ChanceToDrop, my broken armor dropped with additional(30-40+) durability. I don't know it's Spigot or Scavenger bug...
UPD: Tried to die over 100+ times without Scavenger plugin, and not noticed that bug. So maybe it's really Scavenger issue ??
Little question: What means under "Bank" in 'DepositType' option? Scavenger considered NPC-account from EssentialsX data as "Player". Perhaps it normal, i don't know...
The bank option is dependent on the economy plugin you are using.
In built 1.6-70 format is ok. but now, after dot, it shown 3 minor numbers instead 2 =)
Try using a country code of US.
CountryCode: US
When you test the item durability issue please place scavenger into debug mode.
Problem not in country code. Problem in displaying value of penny (even if country code: US). It just displayed 3 numbers instead 2 after the dot: 7,340,716.348 $
That is really strange. What version of java are you running?
Okay I am able to replicate the issue now.
Java: version 8 update 45 (build 1.8.0_45-b14)
Try build 71
In build 71 decimal works fine
BUT... It don't shown zero in decimal value, if zero placed behind. For example, if cost is 2,172.90 $, it displayed 2,172.9 $ (Without zero)
One more suggestion: Maybe you can add option to calculate percent by placed items in every slots? For example: If some option, like PercentByOneSlot is set to non zero value, then every slot with item in player inventory multipled by this value.
Example: If PercentByOneSlot: 1.0(%) and you have 7 slots with items, it will cost 7%.
So complete formula of inventory recover fee can be: MinCost + PercentCost + PercentByOneSlot
Question: For what scavenger need hook to auth plugin ?? If i have offline mode and have AuthMe plugin, should i enable this option ?
The offline mode works by only allowing players to scavenge items when they are logged in.
When you have enable 'Percent + AddMin' and if you have negative balance(EssentialsX feature), it take cost lower than 'MinCost'.
For example:
AddMin: true MinCost: 100$ PercentCost: 1% Your balance: -10000$
= Saving inventory take 0$ instead 'MinCost'