cncf-tags / cloud-native-ai
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PR for conference dashboard #6

Closed LoveYourself999 closed 1 month ago

LoveYourself999 commented 2 months ago

This PR is for uploading the current version of the dashboard. It uses force-direct-graph to show the connection between different keywords of conferences. The dashboard from Github Pages looks like this:

rootfs commented 2 months ago

@LoveYourself999 can you sign the DCO? you can follow these steps:

To add your Signed-off-by line to every commit in this branch:

- Ensure you have a local copy of your branch by [checking out the pull request locally via command line](
- In your local branch, run: git rebase HEAD~3 --signoff
- Force push your changes to overwrite the branch: git push --force-with-lease origin gh-pages